FY 2024 Budget Services: Budget Prep Calendar

January – February 2024Budget Managers review permanent Departmental Budget Amendment Business Objects reports to determine if permanent adjustments need to be made. (Please be sure to review all Fund 14 DS&S budgets for revenue adjustments.)
March 1, 2024If you are planning a college, division, or departmental reorganization, please contact the Budget Office as soon as possible to obtain a copy of the reorganization template. Reorganizations take a considerable amount of time, but we can work with you to incorporate this data into the FY 2024 Original Budget. Reorganizations involve moving positions from one department to another, consolidating two or more departments into a single department, or dividing a department into two or more departments.  Reorganizations and New Department requests should be submitted to the Budget Office by March 1, 2024.
March 15, 2024All permanent budget amendments not already submitted to the Budget Office must be received by this date to be included in the FY2025 Budget Schedules.  This includes transfers from Operating (700000) to Equipment (800000) for equipment leases.  Transfers received after this date will be amended into the FY2025 Budget in July 2024.
April 1, 2024Budget extract from OneUSG.  The extract will include employees currently in the system as of 3/31/2024.
April 1 – 3, 2024Budget Office will verify budget data, calculate allocations (if applicable), and prepare departmental packets.  The packets will include instructions and the amount of allocations by department, fund and class.
April 3, 2024Budget Office sends packets to VP Offices.  Each VP office will distribute information to the departments.
April 3, 2024Budget Office to provide templates for Athletics, Auxiliary Services and Student Activity
April 10, 2024Vice Presidents submit signed, printed (single-sided) worksheets to the Budget Office by Noon.
April 10, 2024Athletic, Auxiliary and Student Activity budget (revenue and expense) spreadsheets are due to the Budget Office by Noon.
April 10 – 30, 2024Budget Office prepares FY 2025 Original Budget
May 3, 2024FY 2025 Original Budget due to System Office

Last updated: 9/11/2023