Honors Alumni
The Georgia Southern Honors College serves all honors graduates of the Honors College including all Bell Honors Program and University Honors Program graduates of Georgia Southern and Honors Program graduates of Armstrong State. Our purpose is to provide support, professional development, and social opportunities to connect alumni and facilitate alumni support of current honors students.
Honors Alumni Newsletter
You can check out our Honors Magazine archive here.
Invest in Honors
Our alumni know best the value of the educational opportunities we provide. To support our current and future students, invest here. To get involved in fundraising or if you have questions, contact Dr. Steven Engel, Dean of the Honors College, at sengel@georgiasouthern.edu or 912-478-7926.
Honors Alumni Update
Stay connected to Honors at Georgia Southern! Let us know how you are doing by completing the form below.
Last updated: 3/25/2024