Open Enrollment

University System of Georgia 2025 Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment is fast approaching and will be held from October 28, 2024, through November 8, 2024. This is your annual opportunity to review your current coverages, explore USG’s options and decide which benefits will fit your needs for 2025.

To enroll in USG Healthcare and Voluntary Benefits, visit OneUSG Connect – Benefits, and select Manage My Benefits. Learn more on the USG Open Enrollment site.

The changes you make during Open Enrollment will be effective on January 1, 2025. View the online comparison guide or keep reading to learn more about Open Enrollment resources.

All employees enrolled or enrolling in 2025 Healthcare Coverage must complete the two required certifications, both the Tobacco Certification and Working Spouse Certification. These certifications are mandatory. If these surcharges are deducted in January, no refunds will be given. Learn more about the USG policy on certifications >

You must confirm if you or your covered dependents (spouse and children 18+ on the plan) use tobacco. If anyone uses tobacco or does not complete the certification, there will be an extra charge of $150 per month for each person.

You need to confirm if your spouse has access to healthcare through their employer. If they do and you still cover them under your USG plan, a $150 monthly fee will apply. If you don’t complete the certification, a $150 fee will be added automatically, and no refunds will be given.

During open enrollment, you can join the shared sick leave program OR contribute more to the leave pool if you’re already a member!

Find out more information and APPLY HERE.

If you change from an HC-FSA one calendar year to an HSA the next calendar year, IRS rules state that your HC-FSA balance must be zero on Dec. 31 or you will not be able to contribute to your new HSA until April 1 (after the grace period is over).

GS offers small grants to faculty, staff & retirees to assist them during a time of severe, temporary & unforeseen financial hardship. This grant is available throughout the year. You can find more information concerning this grant HERE.

This program is free for employees. The EAP offers professional help for work or personal issues. Acentra Health also provides work-life resources, like financial counseling, pet services, and dependent care referrals. All services are confidential and cost you nothing. Access this resource HERE.

Our benefits team is happy to offer a variety of presentations, information sessions, drop-in lab sessions, and virtual appointments to help with your benefits selection questions and concerns. Please click the images below to learn more about the dates, times, and delivery methods for these sessions:

Join us on Halloween for an Open Enrollment open house and get free goodies and giveaways. Click for more info.

If you’re on the Armstrong Campus, you can sign up for a 30 min. 1/1 virtual meeting to get help with your Benefits.

We’ll host two information sessions regarding Open Enrollment. Click to learn more.

Our USG partners will host two virtual presentations. Click to sign up.

Drop in during our Open Labs for expert benefits assistance. We’ll host many sessions throughout the enrollment period.

Join us on 11/7 between 5pm – 7pm for the evening version of our Open Labs.

Last updated: 11/4/2024