Access to Computing and Networking Facilities

Purpose: To identify those authorized for computer accounts on the institutional mini and mainframe computers on the campus network.

Scope: Applicable to all users who are assigned computer accounts for accessing the institutional mini and mainframe computers for accessing the campus network.

Computer accounts will be assigned by Accounts Management and restricted to the following individuals:

  • currently enrolled or pre-registered students (Students do not necessarily enroll every semester, student accounts will not be automatically terminated until the student has not been enrolled for two consecutive semesters not including the summer semester.)
  • currently employed full-time or part-time faculty and staff
  • retired faculty and staff
  • adjunct faculty – Accounts for adjunct faculty must be authorized by a university administrator – dean, director, department head, or above – for a specific time period and must be renewed at least annually.
  • individuals collaborating on a university project or program. These accounts must be authorized by a university administrator – dean, director, department head, or above – for a specific time period and must be renewed at least annually. There must be a continuing contribution or collaboration on a university project or program.

Unless otherwise stated, all computer accounts are authorized for a single person and are not to be shared with family members or other individuals.

Georgia Southern computer accounts are created to support the educational mission of the university and must not be used for personal business or commercial ventures.

Any computer account may be terminated if the account is used in a way which violates Georgia Southern policy, University System policy, state or federal law, or through the university’s administrative or judicial disciplinary procedures.

Computers may be monitored if there is evidence of illegal or unauthorized activities, and records of violations will be provided to the appropriate governing or enforcement agency.

Last updated: 1/2/2014