YuJa Resources for Instructors
Activate Your Account Today!
Creating a YuJa account is easy. Just follow these steps:
- Log into Folio
- Click on My Media in the Folio navigation bar
- If this is the first time you have logged in, it will create your account automatically.
- Once logged in, you will see your Media Library
- From here, you can create folders for organization, upload media, create recordings, and more
Installing YuJa Software
- Installing YuJa Software Capture on a PC – Video
- Installing YuJa Software Capture on a Mac – Video
- Mobile Applications – IOS and Android
At Georgia Southern University, we believe that all students should have equal technology opportunities in the classroom. The following list includes technologies that may appear in Georgia Southern courses and the accessibility information for each of those technologies.
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Last updated: 7/27/2023