
Office of the Dean

NameTitlePhone (912)Email
Stuart Tedders, PhD, MSDean478-2674*
Erin ShumanBudget Manager478-2676
Bobbie Jo (BJ) Newell, MEdAssessment Specialist478-1258
Ruth Ellen Whitworth, MPH, MBAAcademic Professional AC478-7904
*Contact number for both the Statesboro and Savannah campuses
Internal Faculty and Staff Resources

Office of Academic Affairs

NameTitlePhone (912)Email
Nandi Marshall, DrPH, MPH, CHESAssoc Dean Academic/PROF478-3307
Monica Brister, MEdAcademic Services Coordinator478-2674
Joanne Chopak-Foss, PhDMPH Program Director478-1530
Andrew Hansen, DrPH, MSDrPH Program Director478-0261
Jeff Jones, PhDBSPH Program Director478-7422
Linda Kimsey, PhDMHA Program Director478-2008
Elizabeth MundhenkeUndergraduate Academic Advisor I478-2675

Office of Practice and Research

NameTitlePhone (912)Email
Tilicia Mayo-Gamble, PhD, MA, MPH, CHESAssoc Dean Practice & Research/ASOP478-1249

Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Environmental Health Sciences

NameTitlePhone (912)Email
Hani Samawi, PhD, MSProfessor & Interim Department Chair, Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health Sciences478-1345
Fran AultmanDepartment Coordinator478-2426

Department of Health Policy and Community Health

NameTitlePhone (912)Email
Gulzar Shah, PhD, MStat, MSSProfessor & Department Chair, Health Policy, Management and Behavior478-2419
Jennifer WellsDepartment Coordinator344-3633

Research and Service Centers

NameTitlePhone (912)Email
vacantDirector, Center for Addiction Recovery478-2288
Charles Owens, MSADirector, Center for Public Health Practice and Research478-2023
Angela Peden, MPHAssociate Director, Center for Public Health Practice and Research478-2581
Kelly Sullivan, PhD, MSPHDirector, Karl E. Peace Center for Biostatistics and Survey Research478-7902

Last updated: 10/10/2024