Change of Major

Change of Major

  1. Log on to your MyGeorgiaSouthern account.
  2. In the “Advisement Resources” tile, click on the “Change Your Major and/or Minor”.
  3. Follow the directions to complete the changes you would like to make.
  4. It is your responsibility to contact your NEW advisor or your NEW advisement center to schedule an advising appointment to discuss your new major’s course requirements.

Advising Appointments

To make an advising appointment:

  1. Log on to your MyGeorgiaSouthern account.
  2. In the “Advisement Resources” tile, click on “Make an Advisement Appointment”.
  3. Click on “Get Advising”.
  4. Follow prompts to schedule your appointment with your Advisor.

JPHCOPH Undergraduate Advisors

Statesboro Campus

Elizabeth Mundhenke
College of Education, Room 1107G
Phone: (912) 478-0449


Armstrong & Liberty Campuses

Monica Brister
Phone: (912) 478-2674

Last updated: 1/29/2023