Eagles Talking About the Public’s Health

The purpose of these commentaries is to highlight the scholarly work of those in our JPHCOPH community. This is an opportunity for the JPHCOPH’s community to speak directly about public health issues we are passionate about and share our thoughts, and the broader community.
Fall 2024 commentary submissions are due Friday, October 4, 2024 by 11:59 p.m.
Click here to download the guidelines.
Spring 2024 Commentaries: (click on titles to read papers)
Beyond Labor: The Lingering Impact of Childbirth on Women’s Health
Contributing Authors: Alisha Riggins, MPH, Emmanuela Nwaonumah, MPH, Tobi Oloyede, MA, Susmita Dey, MPH, Joanne Chopak-Foss, Ph.D., FASHA, Logan Cowan, Ph.D., MPH
From Taboo to Legalization: Cannabis’s Complex Role During Crucial Maternal and Child Health Periods
Contributing Authors: Emmanuela Nwaonumah, MPH, Alisha Riggins, MPH, Sarah Sejoro, MSc, Joanne Chopak-Foss, Ph.D., FASHA, and Logan Cowan, Ph.D., MPH
Cultural Competency and “the Space Between Spaces”
Contributing Authors: Charles Wright (Trey) and Ho-Jui Tung, Ph.D., MSPH
Hitting the Right Spot: How Inclusion of Pleasure in Sexual Education Can Lead to Safer Sex Practices
Contributing Authors: Jessica Guerrette, Tara Hassani Goodarzi, Joanne Chopak-Foss, Ph.D., FASHA, and Logan Cowan, Ph.D., MPH
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, An Old Disease with A “Second Life”
Contributing Authors: Anna Walick and Lorenza Beati Ph.D., M.D.
Fall 2023 Commentaries: (click on titles to read papers)
A Breakthrough in Accessibility: Over-the-Counter Oral Contraceptives
Contributing Authors: Alisha Riggins, MPH, Emmanuela Nwaonumah, MPH, Tobi Oloyede, MA, Joanne Chopak-Foss, PhD, FASHA, Logan Cowan, PhD, and Elizabeth Olayinka
Tele-Mental Health Services: Addressing Healthcare Needs for Rural Population
Contributing Authors: Foram Patel, MHA, and Samuel T. Opoku, MBChB, PhD
A Refreshing Change: Safeguarding Mothers and Children from PFAS Exposure
Contributing Authors: Emmanuela Nwaonumah, MPH, Alisha Riggins, MPH, Emmanuel Azu, BS, Oluwatoyin Ayo-Farai, MBChB, Joanne Chopak-Foss, PhD, FASHA, Logan Cowan, MPH, PhD, and Atin Adhikari, PhD
The Role of K-12 Schools as Essential Public Health Partners
Contributing Authors: Wendy Sanwu Kutten, Naa-Amy Wayne, Samuel T. Opoku, MBChB, PhD, and Bettye A. Apenteng, PhD
An Eviction Notice: Why Increasing Rates of Elective Cesarean Deliveries are a
Cause for Concern
Contributing Authors: Jessica Guerrette, Amber Culpepper, JD, and Logan Cowan, MPH, PhD
Accessibility and Comprehension of United States Health Insurance Among
International Students: A Gray Area
Contributing Authors: Queeneth C. Edwards, MBBS, and Stacy W. Smallwood, PhD
Spring 2023 Commentaries: (click on titles to read papers)
Tuberculosis: Screening, Treatment, and Eradication Battles Among Foreign-born
Residents in Georgia
Contributing Authors: Foram Patel, MHA, and Linda Kimsey, PhD
Improving Cervical Cancer Screening in Sub-Saharan Africa, Nigeria: Reaching
Levels of Cervical Cancer Prevention in Developed Countries
Contributing Authors: Chigozie A. Ogwara, MPH, Biyi-Olutunde Olusegun, MBBS, and Yelena Tarasenko, DrPH
Addressing Sexual Violence on College Campuses—A Brief Review of Existing
Contributing Authors: Naa-Amy Wayne, Jacquelyn Mesenbrink, DrPH, MPH, CHES, and Bettye Apenteng, PhD
Addressing Racial Disparities in Maternal Health through Policy
Contributing Authors: Alexandria Alford, Alisha Riggins, MPH, Joanne Chopak-Foss, PhD, FASHA, Sarah Sejoro, MSc, Tobi Oloyede, and Mambwe Mutiti, MPH
Healthcare Price Transparency in the U.S. – a Panacea?
Contributing Authors: Foram Patel, MHA; Linda Kimsey, PhD; Melvin Lamboy Ruiz, PhD and Yelena Tarasenko, DrPH
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Exploring the Care Deficit
Contributing Authors: Alexandria Alford, Joanne Chopak-Foss, PhD, FASHA, Alisha Riggins, MPH, Tobi Oloyede, Emmanuela Nwaonumah, and Sarah Sejoro, MSc
Heavy Metals in Baby Food: It’s Time for Public Health Researchers to Wake up
Contributing Authors: Sarah Sejoro, MSc and Atin Adhikari, PhD
Alpha-Gal Syndrome: The End of Red Meat Consumption?
Contributing Authors: Chekwube M. Obianyo, MBBS, and Marina E. Eremeeva, MD, PhD, ScD
Fall 2022 Commentaries: (click on titles to read papers)
Telemedicine Use in Rural America: Building on Current Momentum
Contributing Authors: Jennifer E. Akpo, MPH; Aishat Adewoye, MPH; Samuel Opoku, MBChB, PhD
Expanding Implementation of Cultural Competence in Health Communication to Reduce Stigma
Contributing Authors: Alexandria Alford; Joanne Chopak-Foss, PhD, FASHA; Katie Mercer, DrPH, MPH
Asian Long-horned Tick Haemophysalis longicornis: What happens in Asia does not stay in Asia
Contributing Authors: Shobhab Das, DVM, MSc; Marina Eremeeva, MD, PhD, ScD
The Promise of the No Surprise Act in Advancing Health Equity
Contributing Authors: Xavier John; Naa-Amy Wayne; Bettye Apenteng, PhD
A Case for Menstrual Health Disparities as a Part of Public Health Discourse
Contributing Authors: Mykala Jackson; Sandhya Lohani, MS; Joanne Chopak-Foss, PhD; Tilicia Mayo-Gamble, PhD
Policy Implementation: Improving Perinatal Mental Health Care in Georgia
Contributing Authors: Tobi F. Oloyede; Joanne Chopak-Foss, PhD, FASHA
Period Equity Movement: Addressing Learning Loss, Equity, Safety, and Environment
Contributing Authors: Gabi Wiggill; Gemma Skuraton, DrPH, MPH, CHES, CDE; Megan Mercer, MPH; Katie Mercer, DrPH, MPH
Spring 2022 Commentaries: (click on titles to read papers)
Substance use & mental health: Challenges and way forward amidst COVID-19 pandemic
Collaborating Authors: Aishat Adewoye, Jennifer Akpo, Samuel T. Opoku, MBChB, PhD
Assessing the Effectiveness of an Egg Intervention in the Nutritional and Food Security Status of Infants and Toddlers from Rural Honduras
Collaborating Authors: Aishat Adewoye, MPH; Mario Keko, MPH; Luke Roberson, MSc; Dziyana Nazaruk, MPH, MSSM, DrPH; Gisela Ramos, Laura Manship, MBA; Rochani Haresh, MPH, M.B.B.S, DrPH, Asli Aslan, MSc, PhD; and Ana M. Palacios MD, PhD.
COVID-19 Vaccine Policies, & Vaccine Hesitancy: Improving Vaccine Uptake Together with One Respectful Voice
Collaborating Authors: Emmanuela Nwaonumah, Emilee Larson, MS, Danielle Soler Lopes, MD, & Bettye Apenteng, PhD
Should Self-Breast Awareness Be Part of Self-Care?
Collaborating Authors: Omolola Okunromade, MBBS, MS, Yelena Tarasenko, DrPH
Fall 2021 Commentaries: (click on titles to read papers)
COVID-19: A Driving Factor for Pre-Existing Racial Disparities in Food Insecurity
Collaborating Authors: Christina S. Cook, Sandhya Lohani, Jeff Jones, PhD, Stacy W. Smallwood, PhD, Tilicia L. Mayo-Gamble, PhD
Nanotechnology: Exposure of Children to Engineered Nanomaterials (ENMs) and Its Adverse Consequences on their Health
Collaborating Authors: Worlanyo Eric Gato, PhD and Milcah Andoh
COVID-19 mitigation strategies: A case study to reduce the spread and promote vaccine uptake
Collaborating Authors: Jill Johns, Joanne Chopak-Foss, PhD, FASHA, and Adekunle Adeyemi
COVID-19 and the Urgency for Advancements in Health Equity
Collaborating Authors: Ifeoluwa Kayode and Gulzar H. Shah, PhD, MStat, MS
Underreporting of intimate partner violence against women: An important public mental health implication
Collaborating Authors: Sandhya Lohani, Sha-Hanna Saffold, Tanya Jules, Mykala Jackson, Brenda Sims Blackwell, PhD, Suzanne Shurling, MA, Tilicia L. Mayo-Gamble, PhD
Barriers to the Acquisition of Quality Care for Intersex Populations
Collaborating Authors: Dr. Katie Mercer, DrPH, MPH and Destiny Jordan, BHS
COVID Round 2: Workplace Support and Compassion Fatigue in Emergency Workers
Collaborating Authors: Carlene Robinson, MPH, and Kelly Sullivan, PhD
Sauna Bathing: A Hidden Gem of Health
Collaborating Authors: Victoria Roy, MPH and Yelena Tarasenko, DrPH
Spring 2021 Commentaries: (click on titles to read papers)
Perceived Discrimination and Racism on the Treatment and Medication Adherence of Hypertension in African Americans
Collaborating Authors: Ifeoluwa Kayode, Daisy Tovar, and Dr. Logan Cowan, PhD, MPH
The Pharmaceutical Industry Contributes to Public Health
Collaborating Authors: Karl E. Peace, Ph.D. and Mario Keko, MPH
Parental Substance Use and its Impact on Children’s Health and Safety. Increased Need for Collaboration and Multidisciplinary Efforts
Collaborating Authors: Blerta Shehaj, MPH and Joanne Chopak-Foss, Ph.D., FASHA
Fall 2020 Commentaries: (click on titles to read papers)
Exploring Strategies to Enhance Access to Mental Health Services During COVID-19 Among Expectant Mothers in Medically Underserved Communities
Collaborating Authors: Janet Choongo, MPH and Dziyana Nazaruk, DrPH
Augmenting Public Health Informatics Capacity to better Manage COVID-19
Collaborating Authors: Pascal Félix, MSBE and Gulzar H. Shah, PhD
Public Health Implications of Early Marriage
Collaborating Authors: Prachi Joshi, Bettye Apenteng, PhD, and Tilicia L. Mayo-Gamble, PhD
Smoking and COVID-19
Collaborating Authors: Willie Rajvong, MS and Yelena N. Tarasenko, DrPH
Suicide Prevention: The Role We Play
Collaborating Authors: Tanesha Slocumb, MPH, Ms. Delores Quasie-Woode, MPH, and Fayth Parks, Ph.D
Spring 2020 Commentaries: (click on titles to read papers)
Need for a multidimensional and interdisciplinary approach for Opioid Addiction Prevention intervention
Collaborating Authors: Prachi Joshi, MPA and Atin Adhikari, PhD
Bridging Disparities: Mass Incarceration Among African American Men
Collaborating Authors: Eghosa Ephraim Asemota, MBA, MSc and Jonathan A. Grubb, PhD
Applying the Socio-Ecological Model to Improving Maternal Mental Health in Georgia
Collaborating Authors: Kim Harris, BA, Janet Choongo, MPH and Joanne Chopak-Foss, Ph.D., FASHA
Feasibility of Long Acting Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in Rural Communities
Collaborating Authors: William A. Mase, PhD and Ellie Purdy
First Response to Opioid Overdose on College Campuses
Collaborating Authors: Randall Ford, DDS, MaCSD and Ho-Jui Tung, PhD
Fall 2019 Commentaries: (click on titles to read papers)
The Relevance of Traditional Medicine in the 21stCentury
Collaborating Authors: Bettye Apenteng, PhD, Pascal Felix, MSBE
New Epidemic Needs New Epidemiologic Thinking
Collaborating Authors: : Shirley JoAnn Smart, PhD, MPH, Aurela N. Nikaj, MPH, Carlene Robinson, MPH, Kadiatou Diallo, MPH , Sylvia Ofori, MPH, Neil Mistry, MPH, Jian Zhang, MD., DrPH
A Need for Patient-Friendly Language for those with Low Health Literacy in Advanced Care Planning
Collaborating Authors: Denisha Allicock, MPH, Addison Mickens, MPH, CHES, Tilicia L. Mayo-Gamble, PhD, MPH, MA, CHES
Better Health Through Vaping?
Collaborating Authors: Janet Choongo, MPH, Delores Quasie-Woode, MPH, Jamie Cromley, MPH
Shifting Sexual Violence Prevention Messaging: Placing blame where it belongs while fostering collective empowerment and self-efficacy
Collaborating Authors: Jacquelyn Mesenbrink MPH, CHES, Gemma Skuraton DrPH, MPH, CHES, LAT, ATC, USAW, CPT, Lauren O. Patterson, Psy.D., CCTP, Nandi A. Marshall, DrPH, MPH, CHES
Mental Health and Gun Violence: A Link Held by Misperception
Collaborating Authors: Neil Morte, MPH, Kelly Sullivan, PhD
Leveraging Technology to Address Patient-Centered Outcomes in Sickle Cell Disease
Collaborating Authors, Tilicia L. Mayo-Gamble, PhD, MPH, MA, CHES, Delores P. Quasie-Woode, MPH, Andrew Hansen, DrPH
Emergency Preparedness with the One Health Approach
Collaborating Authors: Holly Richmond, DVM, Joana Tome, Jessica Schwind, PhD, MPH
Last updated: 8/22/2024