University Logo

The Georgia Southern University logo consists of a circular image of a white eagle head with Georgia Southern Blue above the head and gold below. The words “Georgia Southern University” are set to the right of the eagle head in the Neutraface 2 font.

There are horizontal and stacked variations of the logo that can be used as needed to fit design and space considerations. The logo and variations are available in full-color and one-color (PMS 282, black and white) versions as well as a reversed full-color version for use when it appears on a non-white background. Refer to our Visual Standards Quick Guide (PDF) or Trademarks and Logo Usage (PDF) for more information.

Logo Requests

To request use of an official Georgia Southern University logo, please contact University Communications and Marketing at 912-478-6397 or via email at:

Unauthorized Use

Georgia Southern University is committed to enforcing the protection of the institution’s marks and the reputation that they present. Use of Georgia Southern University trademarks on merchandise is not permitted without prior approval of the University’s Licensing and Trademark Administration. Any information regarding possible trademark infringement should be reported to the University’s Director of Licensing at 912-478-6397.

Logo Manipulation/Tampering

Except for proportionate scaling, the logo may not be obstructed or manipulated in any way. This includes removing logo backgrounds, changing the logo’s colors or using portions of the logo either on their own or when coupled with other marks/design elements.

Other Logos

The university seal, athletic marks or other authorized secondary marks are reserved for approved use in specific instances or for limited presentations by authorized areas and require meeting a set criteria for use. Creating unauthorized logos in publication of any form is in violation of the University’s brand identity standards.

Campaign Graphics Creation

Logos/Campaign Graphics are created only by University Communications and Marketing. Attempts to create new University logos, or to recreate existing logos, are not permitted.

Last updated: 9/22/2024