Georgia Southern to hold free Edcamp for area K-12 educators
Georgia Southern University recently announced it will hold its second annual Edcamp, a participant-driven professional development program for K-12 educators, on Saturday, April 22, at the University’s College of Education in Statesboro, from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Often referred to as an “unconference” because of the lack of traditional conference structure, Edcamp is a fun, unique learning experience built on principles of connected and participatory learning where attendees are asked to present current classroom practices, learn what others are doing, gain support for employing best practices in the classroom, and actively participate in a host of sessions related to teaching and learning. Sessions for the day are created by consensus from those attending on what they would like to learn or discuss.
Edcamps are held across the country and worldwide. The College of Education hosts Edcamp at Georgia Southern free of charge for any area K-12 education professionals who would like to attend. Last year, more than 100 education professionals shared their knowledge about their teaching experiences and tools at the College’s inaugural event.
“There was just a positive energy as I walked around during last year’s event,” said Associate Professor Michelle Reidel, one of the organizers of Edcamp at Georgia Southern. “One of the most powerful moments was when I walked into Dining Commons during lunch after the Edcamp experience to see teachers and administrators actively engaged and discussing what they learned and forming relationships with educators from other schools.”
Reserve your free ticket to the 2017 Edcamp at Georgia Southern by clicking here. For more information about Edcamp, visit the event website at or email Reidel at Breakfast and lunch are provided. Door prizes will also be awarded throughout the day’s events.
Georgia Southern University, a public Carnegie Doctoral/Research University founded in 1906, offers more than 125 degree programs serving 20,673 students. Through eight colleges, the University offers bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs built on more than a century of academic achievement. Georgia Southern is recognized for its student-centered and hands-on approach to education. Visit
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