Georgia Southern biology major recognized with national leadership award

Reid Loveless

Georgia Southern University senior Reid Loveless has been honored with the 2018 Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) Leader of the Year Award in Athletics. ODK is a national leadership honor society for students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and leadership skills. Loveless has exhibited leadership in the wrestling and climbing club sports teams on the Statesboro Campus and in several campus projects.

The Georgia Southern circle of ODK nominated the biology major for his efforts leading a wetland clean-up initiative, his involvement in the Southern Leaders Program and for being one of the few student speakers at the 2016 TEDxGeorgiaSouthernU event. Professor Vinoth Sittaramane, Ph.D., is Loveless’ faculty research mentor. He called the aspiring physician/scientist an intelligent, genuine and soft-spoken nice person who works hard to attain a deeper understanding of social and scientific concepts of life.

“He has been systematically working toward achieving his goals inside and outside the classroom,” noted Sittaramane. “As a result, he has been bestowed with multiple awards and recognitions locally and nationally, such as the Chandler Scholarship for Research, National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Fellowship at Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory in Maine, Mayo Clinic Summer Research Fellowship in Rochester, Minnesota, and awards for research presentations.”

Loveless will spend the fall semester in Spain on a study abroad program.

ODK bestows leader of the year awards in five phases of campus life: scholarship, athletics, service, communications and the arts.


Posted in Awards and Recognition, Press Releases