Georgia Southern biology professor gives presentation at Critical Care Nurses Conference

Biology professor Ed Mondor, Ph.D., and his brother Eugene Mondor, who is a registered nurse, recently gave a talk at the American Association of Critical Care Nurses — National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition in Orlando.

Their talk, entitled “Got the Travel Bug? When Tropical Diseases Aren’t Just Tropical,” focused on the insect-vectored tropical diseases Typhus, Chagas, Zika, Dengue and Malaria, which are showing up in critical care patients with increasing frequency in North America as international travel increases. 

The presentation featured insects of medical importance, the diseases they transmit and the effects of insect transmission on human health, as well as key physical assessment findings, laboratory investigations and summarized first-line management strategies for critically-ill patients. More than 8,500 critical care nurses attended the exposition.


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