Waters College of Health Professions faculty receive nearly $30K grant for new course materials

Faculty in the Waters College of Health Professions Department of Health Sciences and Kinesiology have been awarded a nearly $30,000 grant to adopt and or create low- and no-cost course materials for human anatomy and physiology (HAP) laboratory courses at Georgia Southern University. 

The HAP laboratory course is a two-sequence course required of all allied health majors at Georgia Southern. Dr. Diana Botnaru, a professor of kinesiology, said the grant will allow students to benefit from an improved course design, access to no- and low-cost supplemental materials, and reduce the financial burden of purchasing required texts.

“More than 2,700 students are enrolled in the HAP laboratory courses annually at Georgia Southern, and this grant will allow us to provide students with a cost savings of more than $50,000,” Botnaru said. 

Departmental faculty involved in the project include Botnaru, Matthew Syno, Jody Langdon, Ph.D., Samuel Wilson, Ph.D., and Nicholas Siekirk, Ph.D., in addition to colleagues Dawn Cannon-Rech and Deborah Walker.


Posted in Awards and Recognition, Press Releases, Research