Georgia Southern expands accessibility with new online Professional Communication and Leadership master’s program

Georgia Southern University is continuing to lead the country in this digital transformation by expanding its Master of Arts (M.A.) program in Professional Communication and Leadership to online platforms.

In a constantly changing world with new mediums for communication, it’s critical for professionals to be adaptive to the latest communication strategies. Georgia Southern University is continuing to lead the country in this digital transformation by expanding its Master of Arts (M.A.) program in Professional Communication and Leadership to online platforms.

The Master of Professional Communication and Leadership is designed to further professional development through coursework in written and verbal communications skills, critical thinking and leadership. The program is directed toward both traditional and nontraditional students who are either already in the workforce or are making the transition from an undergraduate degree to a professional setting. More information can be found here.

More than 70% of college students are enrolled in at least one course offered exclusively online, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics. Many experts believe this is not a short-term adjustment, but instead a reflection of a new norm in higher education.

Even before the pandemic, Georgia Southern University has been expanding accessibility to its undergraduate and graduate programs across all of its campuses and online. Now, another program is added to that list.

“If you’re already in a career and perhaps it’s too far to commute, this allows you to get an advanced degree, and then apply for that next step in whatever field you’re in,” said Pamela Sears, Communication Arts interim chair. “It’s beneficial to a great number of different industries.”

Previously, the program was a hybrid consisting of online and in-person courses. The addition of a fully online curriculum opens the door to an expanded student population.


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