Nature in a new perspective thanks to Georgia Southern art gallery

Embark on a visually stunning journey along the enchanting Georgia coast at Georgia Southern University’s “Vertical Horizons” art exhibit, curated by Georgia Southern biology professor Alan Harvey, Ph.D. From Dec. 11 to 15, experience an interactive photography exhibition that challenges traditional perspectives. The exhibit is housed in the Fine Art Gallery in Fine Arts Hall on the Armstrong Campus in Savannah.
Harvey’s innovative approach involves capturing the coastal landscapes using an iPhone’s panorama feature, but held vertically. Viewers are encouraged to explore diverse perspectives by rotating the wall-mounted images.
“The goal of this program is to support the fresh perspectives on our coastal and marine resources that artists, writers and scholars can provide,” said Harvey. “To this end, I hope my unique photographic approach will offer a new perspective that inspires viewers to think more critically about coastal issues.”
The exhibition is the culmination of a project supported by one of the inaugural grants of the Artists, Writers and Scholars program at Georgia Sea Grant, awarded to Harvey in 2021. Funded to provide fresh insights into coastal and marine resources, Harvey’s work highlights the contrasts among natural habitats and the escalating pressures from human encroachment.
There will be a closing reception on Dec. 15 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts Hall on the Armstrong Campus in Savannah. Join Georgia Southern for an evening of exploration and reflection, sparking critical conversations about our coastal ecosystems.
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