Georgia Southern professor earns lifetime achievement award for research on global affairs

Nalanda Roy, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Political Science and International Studies at Georgia Southern University, was recently honored with the Noam Chomsky Global Connections Shining Star Research Award for her research in global affairs, international relations and South and Southeast Asian maritime security. 

Nalanda Roy, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Political Science and International Studies at Georgia Southern University, was recently honored with the Noam Chomsky Global Connections Shining Star Research Award for her research in global affairs, international relations and South and Southeast Asian maritime security. 
Nalanda Roy, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Political Science and International Studies at Georgia Southern University.

Noam Chomsky is a world-renowned professor, considered by many to be a leading intellectual on subjects like political activism. Researchers receiving this award must demonstrate at least 15 years of impactful educational leadership, a strong record of contribution to global research and a scholarly legacy promoting human well-being.

“The awarding group recognizes promising faculty who are global leaders doing cutting-edge interdisciplinary work,” Roy explained. 

Roy’s experience in international relations spans more than 20 years. She has published several influential books using her expertise and knowledge on topics like conflicts in the South China Sea and Indonesian fragmentation to become a part of a greater geopolitical conversation. 

She plays a key role in multiple professional organizations in addition to her duties as a professor at Georgia Southern. Roy has served as the program chair for the International Studies Association’s South Asia in World Politics sector, as well as the senior editor for the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, among other honors. 

Roy’s dedication to her research is what earned her the award, but she said it belongs to more than just her. 

“It’s not just me,” she explained. “My parents, my husband, my daughter, everybody…there have been countless sleepless nights working. So that’s what helped me become who I am today. I love this quote by Malcolm Gladwell, ‘Who you are cannot be separated from where you have been.’ So I can never forget my roots, I can never forget where I come from and who has helped me get where I am today.” 


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