Georgia Southern University receives grant for more than $16,000 from Governor’s Office of Highway Safety

For the 12th consecutive year, Georgia Southern University has received a grant through the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) to participate in the Georgia Young Adult Program. The GOHS Young Adult Program helps educate students about the dangers of alcohol abuse, underage drinking and impaired driving.

“Georgia Southern is a returning young adult grantee for GOHS and we’re excited to see what 2019 brings for their students, advisors and young drivers across Georgia,” said GOHS Director Allen Poole.

The grant, valued at more than $16,750, allows the University Wellness Program to promote initiatives such as the “Safe Rides Save Lives” campaign, which discourages driving while under the influence of alcohol. The University Wellness Program coordinates impaired driving prevention programs, which include Fatal Vision goggles and DUI simulators.

“The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety grant is a vital resource for the institution,” said Michele Martin, director of the University Wellness Program at Georgia Southern. “We are looking forward to providing opportunities for students with the continued and increased funding from prior years. This grant is critical to enhancing prevention programs focused on healthy behaviors relating to substance abuse.”

The Georgia Young Adult Program is designed to promote education and awareness about highway safety issues and other high-risk behaviors in order to decrease young adult motor vehicle crashes, injuries and fatalities.

The GOHS coordinates with colleges and universities throughout Georgia to implement the program, which has been successful in using strategies including peer education, providing educational speakers to schools and encouraging schools to develop creative, innovative techniques to prevent impaired driving among young adults.
For more information on this grant program, contact GOHS at 404-656-6996 and for more information on GOHS and its other highway safety programs, visit



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