Georgia Southern achieves record enrollment post-consolidation

Students on the first day of classes on the Statesboro Campus. August 14, 2024.

Georgia Southern University has set several enrollment records according to official Fall 2024 enrollment data, verified by the University System of Georgia. The University continues to experience growth across various areas including enrollment on the Armstrong Campus in Savannah, online classes, dual enrollment, and graduate program enrollment, among others.

The University’s official Fall 2024 total enrollment is 27,506, a 5.4% increase over Fall 2023, and the highest enrollment the University has recorded post-consolidation.

“This record enrollment highlights the strength of our academic programs and the commitment of our faculty and staff to Georgia Southern’s mission of preparing career-ready graduates to meet the talent and workforce needs of a growing region,” said Georgia Southern President Kyle Marrero.

Records set this year include:

Total number of dual enrolled students (new and returning) – this year there are 1,550 enrolled, an increase of 492 students (46.5%) from last fall.

New dual enrolled students – this year there are 1,063 enrolled, an increase of 290 students (37.5%) from last fall. The previous record was 773 in Fall 2023.

Total number of graduate students (new and returning) – this year there are 3,888 enrolled, an increase of 135 students (3.6%) from last fall. The previous record was 3,753 in Fall 2023.

Honors College students – this year there are 340 beginning freshmen enrolled, up from 302 (12.6%) last fall.

Masters degree students – this year there are 2,883 enrolled, an increase of 125 students (4.5%) from last fall. The previous record was 2,758 in Fall 2023.

Doctoral students – this year there are 705 enrolled, an increase of 17 students (2.5%) from 2023. The previous record was 688 in 2023.

Out-of-state students (new and returning) – this year 3,674 students are enrolled, an increase of 805 students (28.1%) from last fall. The previous record was 2,869 in Fall 2023.

International students – this year there are 671 international students enrolled, an increase of 59 students (9.6%) from the previous records in 2016 and 2017.

Here’s how some of Georgia Southern’s numbers break out in the last 5 years:

Dual EnrollmentTotal GraduateOut-of-State
Fall 20241,5503,8883,674
Fall 20231,0583,7532,869
Fall 20227993,5032,502
Fall 20219823,5492,646
Fall 20209533,4802,443
Table outlining fall enrollment numbers for dual enrollment, total graduate, and out-of-state students for the years 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

“This post-consolidation record enrollment reflects our commitment to expanding access to a Georgia Southern education and underscores the unwavering support we provide our students to help them persist, retain and graduate,” said Executive Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success Alejandra C. Sosa Pieroni, Ed.D.


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