Faculty Expert

Hayden Wimmer
Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology
- Department of Information Technology
Hayden Wimmer is an expert in Information Systems based in data mining and artificial intelligence applied to financial data.
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Hayden Wimmer has a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland Baltimore County in Information Systems based in data mining and artificial intelligence applied to financial data. He also holds an M.S. is in Information Systems from UMBC, an M.B.A. from the Pennsylvania State University, and a B.S.in Information Systems from York College of PA.
Prior to academia, he worked in industry for over 10 years in different capacities in Information Technology performing programming, web design and administration, server administration, network configuration, database administration, and of course technical support on all levels. He traveled the world in his professional capacities performing support and integration for a multinational company spending time in various U.S. locations as well as Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, Belgium, and China.
Dr. Wimmer has multiple journal publications related to multi-agent systems, artificial intelligence, data science, and I.S. education; and serves in various editorial capacities including co-editor in chief, board member, and reviewer of various journals and conferences and is a member of the Association of Information Systems. He has taught courses such as programming, database management, project management, I.T. infrastructure, and healthcare informatics. His research is published in top journals such as Decision Support Systems (DSS), Expert Systems with Applications (ESwA), Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS), Computers and Geosciences, and Computers in Human Behavior. Dr. Wimmer’s research has been funded for over $300,000 with nearly $200,000 from federal support and $24,000 from industry sources.
Areas of Expertise
University of Maryland Baltimore County
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Pennsylvania State University
York College of PA
- International Journal of E-Adoption, Editor-in-Chief
- International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, Associate Editor
- Workshop on Information Technology and Systems 2018, Program Committee
Research Grants
Microsoft Azure Research Grant
Microsoft $10,000
2018 Microsoft Azure Research Grant
A Digital Forensic Tool for Mobile Devices: Paraben
ManagementHitesh Sachdev, Hayden Wimmer
2018 Digital forensics is a growing field with many career opportunities within the Accounting, Information Systems and related fields. As a result, many accounting, information system and technology related degree programs are integrating digital recovery, fraud examination or digital forensic courses into their curriculum. However, this are a limited amount of teaching resources available on this topic. This paper adds to the body of knowledge and teaching resources regarding a popular digital forensic tool, the extraction process, and types of data recovered.
Trends in Gerotechnology: A Literature Review
Handbook of Research on Emerging Perspectives on Healthcare Information Systems and InformaticsRoy Rada, Jie Du, Hayden Wimmer
2018 A review of the literature highlights the ways in which information technology offers opportunities in long-term care, an area of research and application that might be called gerotechnology. The authors reviewed eight books about long-term care to find evidence of the possibilities for information technology. That led to the hypothesis that quality control, workflow, and telehealth are important topics for the gerotechnology journal literature. A query about gerotechnology was presented to PubMed, and patterns in that literature supported the hypothesis. A further experiment examined year-by-year trends over the last quarter century and highlighted the increasing importance of telehealth and monitoring in gerotechnology. The trends are consonant with the emergence of computer-assisted life flow as a future topic for gerotechnology.
Improving the Efficiency of Big Forensic Data Analysis Using NoSQL
Proceedings of the 10th EAI International Conference on Mobile Multimedia CommunicationsMd Baitul Al Sadi, Hayden Wimmer, Lei Chen, Kai Wang
2017 The rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) makes the task for digital forensic more difficult. At the same time, the data analyzing technology is also developing in a feasible pace. Where traditional Structured Query Language (SQL) is not adequate to analyze the data in an unstructured and semi-structured format, Not only Standard Query Language (NoSQL) unfastens the access to analyzing the data of all format. The large volume of data of IoTs turns into Big Data which just do not enhance the probability of attaining of evidence of an incident but make the investigation process more complex. This paper aims to analyze Big Data for Digital Forensic (DF) investigation using NoSQL. MongoDB has been used to analyze Big Forensic Data in the form of document-oriented database. The proposed solution is capable of analyzing Big Forensic Data in the form of NoSQL more specifically document oriented data in a cost-effective, efficient way as all the tools is being used are open source.
Counterfeit product detection: Bridging the gap between design science and behavioral science in information systems research
Decision Support SystemsHayden Wimmer, Victoria Y Yoon
2017 In IS research, there is a dichotomy where design science and behavioral science are distinct research paradigms. IS researchers should view these paradigms as complementary with research drawing upon the strengths of both, yet few have done so. This work demonstrates how design science and behavioral science can be united in IS research via counterfeit product detection based on product reviews in an online marketplace. Product authenticity in the online marketplace is a common issue plaguing consumers. The decision process involved in determining product authenticity is lengthy and complex. Despite the pressing need for an automatic authenticity rating system for online shopping, little research has been done to develop such a system and assess its effects on consumer purchase behavior. To respond to this need, our study develops a design artifact, called OnCDS, to automatically calculate the likelihood that a product is counterfeit based on online customer reviews. Drawing upon lexicon-based sentiment analysis approaches and TF-IDF as kernel theories for our design, we employ web scraping, natural language processing, and topic analysis methods to process customer reviews and calculate the counterfeit score of a product. In assessing the effects of OnCDS on consumer behavior, we develop a research model that encompasses trust and perceived risk based on the valence framework. Results show that our design artifact's efficacy is validated and that the counterfeit score affects perceived risk and trust, which in turn influences attitude toward purchase.
Problems Associated With Patient Care Reports and Transferring Data Between Ambulance and Hospitals From the Perspective of Emergency Medical Technicians
Issues in Information SystemsSmiljana Cuk, Hayden Wimmer, Loreen M Powell
2017 While many hospitals have converted to electronic medical records, emergency medical services continue to employ paper-based reports. Furthermore, existing research focuses on challenges of information systems from the perspective of nurses, doctors, and hospitals. Little is known about the paper-based challenges facing emergency medical technicians. This study examined emergency medical technician’s paper-based reports for potential problems that may occur if the transferred reports are in an electronic format. Additionally, this study conducted interviews of six emergency medical technicians about perceived benefits from electronic transfer of patient information for transferring patients. Results were positive as the emergency medical technicians liked to see a change from paper to electronic transfer of information. Emergency medical technicians also thought it was difficult to write the report while riding in the back of an ambulance, that information is lost during patient handover, and expressed a desire to follow-up on transferred patients.

Last updated: 1/9/2024