Georgia Southern launches new Leadership Development Institute for Emerging Leaders

Georgia Southern University’s Office of Organizational Effectiveness, Leadership Development and Inclusive Excellence (OELDIE) recently kicked off the inaugural session of the brand new Leadership Development Institute for Emerging Leaders during which 22 faculty and staff members began a semester-long, cohort-based program designed to prepare them for departmental leadership.
Through educational sessions, coaching and shadowing experiences, participants will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in leadership roles within their departments. The program unites participants from every University division, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning environment.
“This initiative underscores our commitment to growing ourselves to grow others,” said Dominique Quarles, Ph.D., associate vice president for OELDIE. “The Leadership
Development Institute for Emerging Leaders provides an invaluable opportunity for employees to hone their leadership potential with other outstanding colleagues across the institution.”
The inaugural cohort includes Julie Ogburn and Crissie Elrick Bath from the Office of the President; Ben McKay from Research and Economic Development; Joanna Schreiber, Ph.D., from the College of Arts and Humanities; Beth McGee, Ph.D., and Candice Bodkin, Ph.D., from the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences; David Calamas, Ph.D., from the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing; Kerry Dunn, Ed.D., and Jennifer Hoopes from the Waters College of Health Professions; Betsy Barrow, Ed.D., and Eric Landers, Ph.D., from the College of Education; Ed Mondor, Ph.D., from the College of Science and Mathematics; Pamela Goodman from Academic Affairs; Caitlin Borges from University Advancement; Rachel West from Student Affairs; Justin Cameron, Shalah Bowden, Tori Brannen and Jenna Adams from Business and Finance; and Aaron Wortham, Angelia D. Coles and Ben Martin from Enrollment Management and Student Success.
The University has a Leadership Development Institute for executive and institutional leaders, as well as one for department leaders. The Emerging Leaders program is the third iteration of the series and focuses on pipeline development.
For more information on the Leadership Development Institutes, visit the Leadership
Development Institute’s webpage here.
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