Upcoming displays for the Red Flag Campaign and Clothesline Project

As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, SART and Student Wellness and Health Promotion will present the Red Flag Campaign April 1-12 on the Statesboro Campus (outside of Lakeside Dining, near the Rotunda and near the College of Education) and on the Armstrong Campus (outside of the Union near the residential plaza). 

The Red Flag Campaign uses a bystander intervention strategy to address and prevent sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking on college campuses. The campaign encourages friends and other campus community members to say something when they see warning signs ("red flags") for sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking in a friend’s relationship.  

Flags will be placed on both campuses on Thursday, March 28, and Friday, March 29.

The Clothesline Project will be on display April 8 - 19 on the Statesboro Campus (in the Russell Union, RAC and Henderson Library) and on the Armstrong Campus (in the Union, ARC, Lane Library and Learning Commons).

The Clothesline Project is a campus-wide display of shirts representing survivors and supporters of sexual violence. Students can create new t-shirts each year, which are saved to become part of future displays. Survivor Love Letters is an opportunity for students to provide support and encouragement to survivors of sexual violence by writing short letters that are displayed throughout the week.

Clothesline displays will be put up beginning Friday, April 5.


Posted in Faculty, Remember, Staff, Students