Marketing Professor Uses AI to Coach Sales Professionals

Higher ed institutions and employers have started using an AI-powered app called RNMKRS to give students and sales professionals a virtual environment to practice real-world conversations while receiving feedback.

While sales professionals often practice their pitches and conversational skills with customers on the job, the trial and error of on-the-job training can sometimes cost companies sales. To train a new generation of sales people, a marketing professor at Bryant University is leveraging the interactive potential of artificial intelligence to give sales professionals more practice and feedback before hitting the field.

According to Stefanie Boyer, Bryant professor and co-founder of RNMKRS, the app utilizes AI-driven natural language training to provide a virtual environment for students to sharpen their sales skills. She said the app, which was first conceived and launched in 2019, includes a College Sales Skills component with training programs for developing pitches and practicing sales exchanges with an animated customer-bot. The app also added a training program for advanced students last year dubbed Role Play Pro which puts students in more challenging sales scenarios.

Boyer said one of the main goals of the app is not only to give students a chance to practice, but to provide training at scale. She noted that sales managers and faculty alike often do not have time to thoroughly train students for sales pitches and prepare them for conversations with customers.

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