Economics Scholarships

Listed below are scholarships allocated for economics majors. If you would like to apply for any of these scholarships, log into, click on the MyScholarships link, and then fill out the online application.  

Economics Opportunity Scholarship

This scholarship is allocated by the Economics Department and determined by available funds.

H. Russell Martin Jr., Award for Outstanding Achievement in Economics

Established in 2000 by Dr. Grace Martin, this scholarship memorializes the life of businessman H. Russell Martin, Jr. Mr. H. Russell attended Armstrong and earned a degree in Engineering at Clemson University and a degree in Economics at Florida State University before he settled in Savannah, Georgia and renovated commercial and residential buildings in the historic district. The H. Russell Martin Jr., Award for Outstanding Achievement in Economics Funds are to be used for student development. Recipient will be a rising senior, majoring in economics, who has demonstrated the potential to make important contributions in the area of applied economics or entrepreneurship.

Lillian A. Hood Scholarship

The Lilian A. Hood Scholarship is for students majoring in Economics who are either a rising sophomore, junior or senior in good academic standing. Must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.2 and be enrolled full-time.

Mary Foy Space Scholarship for Economics

The Mary Foy Space Scholarship is for students majoring in Economics or Business Economics who are entering their junior or senior year with least 60 total credit hours earned at the time of the award.

Robert D. Coston Excellence in Economics Scholarship

The Robert D. Coston Excellence in Economics Scholarship honors long-time Georgia Southern University professor Robert (Bob) Coston. Dr. Coston graduated from the University of Louisiana at Monroe and received his doctorate in economics from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. He began his professional career at Georgia Southern University, where he held the positions of Professor of Economics, Associate Dean of the School of Business, Director of the Center for Management Development, and Professor and Head of the Department of Economics. His expertise in economics led him to become one of the leading consulting economists in the U.S. Dr. Coston passed away in 2016, but leaves a legacy for outstanding students with a love for economics. Should be a junior, with an overall GPA that must be greater than or equal to 3.2.

Robert E. Lee Morgan Annual Scholarship Fund

This annual scholarship fund awards three (3) students a scholarship of $1,000 each. Undergraduate students who are rising juniors or rising seniors enrolled in Accounting, Business Economics or Economics or similar degree program and who have a demonstrated ability in the area of accounting.

Robert E. Lee Morgan Scholarship

Established in 2015, this scholarship memorializes the life of Robert E. Lee Morgan. Morgan earned his B.B.A and M.A. from the University of Memphis before arriving at Armstrong in the late sixties as an Associate Professor of Business Administration. In 1979, Mr. Morgan was transferred along with Armstrong’s business program to Savannah State. Following his teaching career, he started his own accounting firm that he operated from 1989 to 1992 with Laura B. McGee under the name Morgan & McGee P.C. In 2003, he relocated from Savannah to Collins and started his own accounting firm from his home. Mr. Morgan left a lasting impression on his students; in 2014, anonymous students gathered to establish an endowed business scholarship at Armstrong in his name and honor. This scholarship is available to rising juniors and seniors majoring in Economics who have demonstrated ability in accounting. Three scholarships will be awarded annually.

Last updated: 8/8/2024