Omid Ardakani

Omid Ardakani

Associate Professor of Economics


  • Ph.D. (Economics), University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
  • MA (Economics), University of Tehran
  • BA (Economics), Yazd University

Areas of Specialization

  • Econometrics
  • Computational Statistics
  • Monetary and Financial Economics


Omid M. Ardakani is the Solomons Research Fellow at the Parker College of Business. Ardakani’s research contributes to developing computational techniques for evaluating monetary & financial problems and is used in forecasting. His scientific papers have been published in premier refereed journals, such as the Journal of Economic Dynamics and ControlInternational Statistical Review, and Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics. Currently, he is the co-editor of Economics Journal. His professional activities include serving as the editorial board member of International Finance and Banking, the TPC member of the International Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data, and the International Conference on Information Technology: Data Mining Track. He is also the founding director of Georgia Southern’s Statistics and Econometrics Research Group.

Office Location

Hawes Hall 208C


Curriculum Vitae


Last updated: 1/16/2024