Accepted Transfer Students

If you have been recently accepted to Georgia Southern University, the next step in your admission process is to register for SOAR (Southern’s Orientation, Advisement, and Registration). Once you have registered for SOAR, the Parker College of Business Advisement Center will contact you through e-mail, regarding early advisement. You will be contacted after you register for SOAR, at which time the Advisement Center will begin your transfer credit evaluation. Here are some key things you should know about early advisement and transfer credit evaluation:

Early Advisement

Once you have registered for SOAR (Southern’s Orientation, Advisement, and Registration), our Advisement Center will contact you regarding “early-advisement”. The Advisement Center believes that being “early-advised” will help answer many of your questions and concerns regarding our majors; therefore, we strongly encourage you to be advised before attending your scheduled SOAR session. This will help you determine the courses you should enroll in during your first semester. While early advisement is a simple, convenient way to determine what courses are required for your chosen degree program, you are required to attend SOAR. You are expected to attend all information sessions, as well as, registration during SOAR.

Transfer Credit Evaluation

Once you have registered for SOAR (Southern’s Orientation, Advisement, and Registration), our Advisement Center will begin your credit evaluation process. An advisor will evaluate your transfer credit to determine which courses can be used in your chosen degree program. Please note that it is highly possible that a number of your transfer credit hours will not be accepted by our university and neither by our college. (For more information about specific courses that will transfer, please see the Transfer Course Equivalencies). Many transfer courses are not equivalent to courses offered at Georgia Southern University. If this is the case for you, an advisor will contact you regarding the Petition for Academic Exception form that requests permission to count the course(s) as an equivalent or substitute for a Georgia Southern course. In this special case, you will need to obtain a copy of the course description and/or the course syllabus from your transfer institution to be included with your petition.

Last updated: 2/13/2020