Statesboro Campus
Academic Advising Coordinator
Nicole Protzman
Interim Academic Advising Coordinator
Parker College of Business, Room 1101
Advisors (Sorted by Alpha)
Students are assigned to advisors based on their last name. Parker College of Business advisors advise all business majors.
Jahmal Rainey
Advising: Bonf-Cha, Post Bacc, ROTC
Parker College of Business, Room 2218
KaRonda Harris Bruton
Advising: Chb-Dja
Parker College of Business, Room 1101
Shecora Lovett
Advising: Henf-Jones
Parker College of Business, Room 2218
Brittany Nichols
Advising: Lv-Mood
Parker College of Business, Room 1101
Administrative Staff
Student Assistants
Last updated: 8/29/2024