Where is the advisement center located?

We are in room 1101 or 2218 of the Parker College of Business Building. Our phone number is 912-478-0085.

How do I know who my advisor is?

Your advisor is listed in your EAB Navigate360 Account and DegreeWorks Account. Check each semester prior to being advised as your assigned advisor may change.

To view your advisor through EAB Navigate360:

  1. Log in to MyGeorgiaSouthern, then click ” View Advising Notes and Alerts- EAB Navigate360″ in the Advisement Resources box.
  2. You will find your assigned academic advisor in the “Your Success Team” box. (You can also contact your advisor by clicking on the envelope below their name!)

To view your advisor through DegreeWorks:

  1. Log in to MyGeorgiaSouthern, then click “DegreeWorks” in the Advisement Resources box.
  2. You will find your assigned academic advisor, major information, and so much more!

What if I am on probation, academic intervention, or exclusion?

You are encouraged to contact your advisor to discuss your situation and see what resources are available on campus to help you improve your academic standing.

When should I get advised?

Get advised as early as possible! We send an announcement directly to your campus email address informing you when to schedule an appointment for advisement for the upcoming term. We also post flyers around the building. Typically, advisement begins the second week of classes.

How do I prepare for advisement?

  1. Check the online Schedule of Classes and prepare a list of classes you’d prefer to take and a list of alternates. If possible, you should have at least one alternate for every preferred class.
  2. Know which classes you are currently enrolled in and any that you may already be registered for in future terms.
  3. Be familiar with your program of study. A curriculum sheet for your major is available online.
  4. Be familiar with your University Catalog. It’s filled with great information.

How do I find my Advising Documents and RAN Number?

All Advising Documents can be located in the “Reports” tab in your EAB Navigate360 page. Step-by-step directions can be found here.

**Please note that students under Mandatory Advising MUST SCHEDULE AN ADVISING APPOINTMENT WITH THEIR ADVISOR IN ORDER TO GET A RAN NUMBER. You will not be able to register for classes without your RAN Number!**

Last updated: 4/17/2024