

When should I apply for graduation?

If you’re a student with 90 or more earned hours – it’s time to apply!

The Graduation Application is online. Apply here!

All candidates must submit an Application for Graduation through your WINGS (on MyGeorgiaSouthern) account by the advertised application deadline.

  • Spring/ Summer:
    • Last Friday in January
  • Fall:
    • Last Friday in August

Miss the application deadline?

Apply for the following term graduation AND email to have the graduation term updated.


Every student receiving a degree must pay a graduation fee of $35. This may be paid online by logging into, or in person at the Cashier’s window in Deal Hall on Southern Drive (Sweetheart Circle). If you do not see the graduation fee posted on your account, please email the Office of the Registrar at  Students completing two degrees on the same date will only pay $35.

Your degree will not be awarded if you have not paid the graduation fee.


  • Withdrawing from (“dropping”) a required course.
  • Receiving a failing grade in a required course or receiving a grade below that required by the program.
  • Changing one’s major or degree program.
  • Withdrawing from Georgia Southern University.
  • Failure to meet any degree requirement(s) as specified and in the time stipulated.
  • Incurring a disciplinary action affecting the student’s enrollment.
  • Academic and Financial obligations such as holds, parking tickets, obligations to the Library, National Direct Student Loan (NDSL) and the Business Office not met before the end of the graduation term.


  • After applying for graduation, if a student changes their completion term, either to move it forward or to delay it to another term after application, the Registrar’s Office must be notified of the change. Candidates must email to have their graduation term updated.
  • All grade changes for incomplete and in-progress courses must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office within 60 days after grade processing of the graduation term. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor in order to complete the requirements for the course. Any “I” or “IP” grade(s) will prevent degree conferral.

GOT QUESTIONS? Visit the Office of the Registrar Website!

For additional information regarding graduation, please visit Office of Registrar website.

Last updated: 2/14/2024