European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR)

This regulation, effective May 25, 2018, is meant to protect the personal data of anyone in an EU country.  It applies to entities that control or process personal data of anyone who is located in an EU country.  An individual must provide consent for the collection of the individual’s personal date; organizations may only collect the data that is needed to conduct the transaction or business requested.

Georgia Southern University must obtain consent prior to collecting personal data from anyone applying as a student or employee at the University whenever that person is physically located in an EU country.  In addition, any current student or employee who is physically located in an EU country must consent to providing any personal data from that location.  Residence in the EU country is not required, only a physical presence.

Consent forms may be found here:

Please review the EU General Data Protection Regulation Compliance Policy for additional information.  Our Privacy Policy, addressing these issues, is available on the main page of the University website.

Last updated: 11/5/2024