Accommodations & Interim Measures
Accommodations and interim measures are implemented to address the impact of a reported incident of sexual misconduct. Accommodations are those actions provided to the individual who is requesting them for themselves, such as adjustments to an individual’s academic or living arrangements. Parties may speak with the Title IX Coordinator to determine what may be appropriate for them.
Examples of accommodations include:
- No contact agreements
- Room changes
- Faculty notifications
- Parking adjustments
- Course adjustments
- Other adjustments to address the individual needs
Interim measures may be implemented by the institution at any point after the institution becomes aware of the alleged sexual misconduct and should be designed to protect any student or other individual in the USG community. To the extent interim measures are imposed, they should minimize the burden on both the Complainant and the Respondent, where feasible.
Interim measures include, but are not limited to:
- Change of housing assignment
- Issuance of a “no contact” directive
- Restrictions or bars to entering certain institution property
- Changes to academic or employment arrangements, schedules, or supervision
- Interim suspensions
- Other measures designed to promote the safety and well-being of the parties and the institution’s community.
The issuing of an accommodation or interim measure does not mean a decision has been made regarding the investigation, only that an accommodation or interim measure is supported by the available information.
Last updated: 9/24/2021