CRI Waiver

Campus Recreation & Intramurals (CRI) has implemented a new process to electronically sign our liability waiver online. The CRI liability waiver allows you to participate in CRI programs and services as well as utilize the Recreation Activity Center (RAC – Statesboro) or the Armstrong Recreation Center (ARC – Savannah).  If you choose not to sign the waiver, you will not be permitted to access the RAC/ARC or CRI programs.

CRI Liability Waivers:

Completing the new electronic waiver is easy and takes just minutes! To get started select the standard waiver (those 18 years or older) or the minor waiver (under 18 years old) and sign in with your MyGeorgiaSouthern login. The entire process takes less than two minutes. Georgia Southern faculty and staff should sign the Faculty/Staff Waiver.

  • Signing the waiver is voluntary, however, if you choose not to sign the waiver you will not be permitted to access the RAC or ARC or participate in CRI programs.
  • If you have signed a paper waiver in the past you are still required to electronically sign the new waiver.
  • Should you accidentally select ‘no’, you may change your answer at any time.
  • For the minor liability waiver (under 18 years old), your student must log into and enter their parents’ name and email address and then digitally sign the waiver. An email will be sent to the address entered asking the parent to digitally sign the waiver. Once the parent digitally signs the waiver, the student will receive a confirmation email that the parent has completed the process. If your parent does not receive the email, the student may log back into where a link to the Waiver should be in the upper left corner of the screen. This allows them to log back in and change the parent information if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How do I find my login information for MyGeorgiaSouthern?
    If you’re a new student and have never logged into MyGeorgiaSouthern before, please watch this video.  It will instruct you on how to obtain your login and how to successfully log in.
  • I’m receiving a ‘Page Expired’ message after I logon, what’s happening?
    If you already have your MyGeorgiaSouthern username and password and are able to log in without trouble, then the waiver is just being slow to load which may result in a ‘Page Expired’ message.  Please enter your username and password, then click the sign-in button, do not press enter.  The waiver will load after a few seconds.
  • Can I just wait and complete the waiver at SOAR?
    Yes, but the process will be the same as the waiver is now completely online.  We recommend you go ahead and complete it after you successfully login to MyGeorgiaSouthern.  With one less thing to think about at SOAR – you can focus on making new friends!
  • I’m under 18, how do my parents complete the waiver for me?
    For the under 18 Waiver, your student must log into MyGeorgiaSouthern and enter their parent’s name and email address and then digitally sign the waiver.  An email will be sent to the address entered asking the parent to create an account and then logon and digitally sign the waiver. If your parent does not receive the email, the student may log back into MyGeorgiaSouthern where a link to the waiver should be in the upper left corner of the screen.  This allows them to log back in and change the parent information if necessary.

Last updated: 3/23/2022