Sustainability Grant for BIG Living Wall

center for sustainGeorgia Southern University’s Center for Sustainability is pleased to announce that the Business Innovation Group has been awarded a Sustainability Fee grant for the City Campus. The Student Sustainability Fee Projects Grants were established in spring of 2014 to improve environmental sustainability across the campus.

The Sustainability Fee Committee received 25 proposals requesting a total of $725,836. The committee selected 11 projects, totaling $198, 996 in awarded funds. The BIG Living Wall proposal was fully awarded the requested amount of $19,650.

BIG changes are underway at City Campus as we prepare for construction of the FabLab and Innovation Incubator. Redevelopment plans include the enclosure of the alley that separates the two buildings. The living wall will bring warmth and life to the revitalized space as a model for urban agriculture. Once the renovations are complete, City Campus will use the newly covered alley to host university functions and community events.

The living wall will address sustainability themes such as water conservation, sustainability promotion and food sustainability. For instance, the plants will be irrigated with grey water collected from the roof as needed. Georgia Southern students will work with university architects, landscape architects, and contractors to design, build, and maintain the living wall as a signature component of Georgia Southern’s City Campus.

Beautification of the alley is another step in the right direction for Georgia Southern’s BIG pursuit of developing a Creative Corridor in Downtown Statesboro.

To read more on other award recipients across campus click here.


Posted in Grants, Teaching and Learning

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