The 2015 Census Test is in full swing in your community!

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The 2015 Census Test is in full swing in your community!

On April 1, we celebrated Census Day. Partners across the test area hosted events, shared information with their community, and participated in social media promotion – all to continue to encourage everyone to go to to complete their test census! To all the partners who supported Census Day activities — thank you!

Here are a few highlights:

Veteran 2015 Census Test

The Allendale-Hampton-Jasper Regional Library made the rounds in Hampton and Jasper encouraging residents to complete the test census.

Goodwill Jesup taka-taka-taka

The Goodwill Job Connection in Jesup opened its doors (and air space) for a Census Day event.


Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia and the Metter Presbyterian Church teamed up to encourage locals to complete the 2015 Census Test when picking up food.

Mayor and Leopold

The West Broad Street YMCA synced up with E93, 520 Wings, Leopold’s Ice Cream (Stratton Leopold, pictured), Art Rise, Feed The Hungry, and the City of Savannah (Mayor Edna Jackson, pictured) to host a Census Day Celebration.

There’s still time (but don’t wait!)

We have 51 days until the 2015 Census Test closes and we need your help to make sure that everyone is counted. Continue to encourage everyone to go to to complete their test census, today! Also, here’s some information you can share with your community, patrons, friends, neighbors, and colleagues:

The 2015 Census Test in Savannah and 20 nearby counties in Georgia and South Carolina were chosen to test ways to encourage residents to res  pond online. Together, we can educate, inform, and inspire the Savannah area to complete the 2015 Census Test — to make sure we all count. Go to to complete your test census today.

Are you a social media guru?

Use #WeCount2015 to tell your friends about the survey on your social networks and share information directly from the social hub at

Thank you!

Have you spread the word, sent emails, hosted events? Tell us about it! Contact us

And, as always, thank you for your support. Together we can make sure that everyone is counted!

WeCount Play Video


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