The Veterans Business Outreach Center offers Ongoing Assistance to Military Members

The Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) is a Small Business Administration (SBA)-funded resource available to service members, veterans, National Guard & Reserve members and military spouses with an interest in starting or expanding upon a small business.  With over 20 locations across the United States, VBOC advisors provide entrepreneurial development assistance, mentoring and training in areas such as international trade, franchising, internet marketing and accounting.

In addition to personalized training and development, the Georgia VBOC attends, conducts and provides support for Boots to Business courses located at South Carolina and Georgia military installations.  The Boots to Business program is a two-day program available to transitioning service members and their spouses from any branch of the military.   During this program, service members learn the steps for evaluating business concepts, the foundational knowledge required to develop a business plan, and information on the resources available to help access start-up capital and technical assistance.

This month, VBOC will be participating as an exhibitor in the Annual Warrior Integration Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia, hosted by America’s Warrior Partnership.  This symposium serves as a source of empowerment and strength for Georgia’s veteran community. By unifying resources available to veterans, America’s Warrior Partnership creates a viable community for veterans where they live and work.  Members of the VBOC team are thrilled for this opportunity to share their assistance and resources with veterans aspiring to become entrepreneurs.  Additionally, VBOC Director Jeremy Horstman and Business Advisor Jeff Smith will be attending the National VBOC conference in Alexandria, Virginia.  This conference is nested with the national Women’s Business Center (WBC) leadership conference and will focus on the strategic direction and synchronization of the VBOCs across the nation.

Our VBOC business for the month of September highlights Melody Vogt with Notable Solutions.  Notable Solutions provides life coaching solutions to children struggling with issues affecting a child’s physical and emotional wellbeing.  Melody is a certified Adventures in Wisdom life coach and a licensed professional counselor offering services to children from the age of six to twelve years in age.  The purpose of Notable Solution’s life coaching is to address and improve issues including bullying, depression, self-esteem, and others to be discussed in a scheduled consultation with Melody.  At this time, Notable Solutions services are available in Statesboro and surrounding counties.  Due to the sensitive nature of life coaching sessions, face-to-face counseling appointments are required in order to maximize the benefit to the child.

Upcoming outreach events in October include participation in several Boots to Business courses in Georgia and South Carolina.  For more information on VBOC services, events, or contact information for Notable Solutions, please contact our office at 912-478-7781.


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