
Students in Service-Learning Courses

Courses with a service-learning component may be some of the most meaningful courses of your academic career. They offer you a chance to apply your conceptual knowledge in real-world situations and see first-hand how your education will better prepare you to improve your community and our world.

We can help you find service-learning opportunities across campus that have personal meaning for you. Georgia Southern faculty encourage students to play an active role in their own education, and welcome service-learning projects that build partnerships and address genuine community needs. Make a suggestion!

Service-Learning Facilitators

Want to manage the Service-Learning component in an existing course? You should consider becoming a service-learning facilitators. This group of students work closely with faculty, students, and community partners in service-learning courses to assist in the progress and completion of a service-learning course

If you would like to learn more visit our service-learning facilitator page for more information!

Meet our 2023-2024 Service-Learning Facilitators 

Laura Cagle

Sophia Schwartz
Facilitator in Training

Alaina Wilkinson

Wynter Evans
Facilitator in Training
Picture Coming Soon

Kaylia Watkins
Facilitator in Training

Picture Coming Soon

Renecial Brewton
Facilitator in Training

Last updated: 10/16/2023