Academic advising is an ongoing process of engagement that is designed to facilitate student success from admission to graduation. Academic advising creates collaborative mentoring relationships between advisor and student. Academic advising promotes academic excellence and empowers students to develop and implement sound educational plans that are consistent with their personal values, goals, and career plans.
Advisement at Georgia Southern
Our goal is to provide personalized support to students. Students will be required to meet with their advisors at key semesters in their academic career, to ensure that they are making progress toward completing their degree. In other semesters, students are given the option of meeting with their advisor. Advisors will be in communication with all students each semester, and students can schedule an appointment with their advisor at any time!
In a given semester, students will be required to meet with their advisors if they fall into one of these categories:
- Have earned less than 45 hours in their program of study. This ensures that in those early semesters in their major, students are clear on what they need to do to progress in their major.
- Are new students. It’s important that all incoming students meet with their advisor in their first semester, so they can not only learn about their major, degree requirements, etc., but also establish and start to build that relationship with their advisor.
- Are new to their major. If a student switches from one major to another, we want to make sure that they are touching base with their new advisor to learn about their new degree requirements and starting to build that relationship with their advisor.
- Need a graduation plan. Students who have recently crossed over 75 earned hours in their program of study have made significant progress in their major, and graduation will soon be approaching! This required meeting will allow the student and advisor to touch base, plan out through graduation, and start talking about whatever might be next for the student.
- Are not making Satisfactory Academic Progress in their degree. If a student isn’t progressing in their major, we want to make sure we’re touching base with them and providing them with the necessary support they need to get back on track.
Center for Advising, Retention and Completion • advising@georgiasouthern.edu • P.O. Box 8081 Statesboro, GA 30460 • 912-478-3939