GS Personnel Required Cyber Training

Cyber Security Awareness Training

Georgia Southern University personnel can access all the cyber security awareness training by logging into Building A Better U. A learning program is a collection of related courses. Cyber Security Awareness is mandatory training for all employees each year. Individuals can also take any of the individual courses listed in BuildingABetterU under Cyber Security. As an added service, departments can request the creation of a new learning program by contacting

Cyber Security Awareness Course Instructions

These instructions are for the mandatory cyber security awareness class which is located in Georgia Southern University’s e-learning system, Building a Better U (BaBU).

How do I take the course?
  • Click on “eLearning System (Building a Better U)”.
  • Click on “MY PLAN”.
  • Find the course listing for “Cyber Security Awareness” (If not in MY PLAN, see below).
  • Click on the “Launch” option.
  • You will be shown a screen that gives you 12 courses to take. Click on a course, you may take the courses in any order you wish. At the end of each video will be a question you must answer correctly. If you have blocked pop-ups, look for warning message at top of screen and allow. If you are using Chrome,you may have to click on “Run this time” if you get the message “Java was blocked because it is out of date.”
  • There are 12 modules that will take about 30 minutes to complete.
  • You can start and stop as many times as you like. However, progress is recorded only if you complete an entire module.
  • The quiz starts after each course. You are required to answer each question correctly to get credit for passing the course.
How do I verify completion?

Once you complete the course, check for a solid green circle with arrows next to the course listing in your My Plan. You may have to refresh the screen if you have just finished the course.

What if I do not see the course in my MYPLAN?

If you do not see the course in your MYPlan contact Human Resources at

General Instructions on using Building A Better U (BABU)


Last updated: 2/11/2021