Student Training / Activity Resources

Cybersecurity students need various other training / activities beyond the classroom. Here are some of the resources and activities

Georgia Southern University is a member of the Order of the Sword and Shield National Honor Society, the largest and most respected organization representing the Homeland Security, Intelligence, Emergency Management, Cyber and Information Security, and all Protective Security disciplines. We inducted our first cohort of student honorees in April 2021, and will induct another cohort in April 2023.

Career information is available to our students at the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS).

Additional training is available at the SANS Cyber Aces Free Cybersecurity Training Course.

Although some of the Interactives from the National Support Center for Systems Security and Information Assurance (CSSIA) are used in class, the full repertoire of Interactives for Training is available to our students for practice.

Students are encouraged to participate in the National Cyber League. They did in Spring 2022 and they will in Fall 2023.

Last updated: 5/12/2023