Faculty Welfare Committee 2024-2025


The responsibilities of the Faculty Welfare Committee shall be as follows:

  • Conduct an on-going study of campus, University System of Georgia, state and national policies affecting faculty benefits and working conditions; solicit suggestions and concerns related to faculty welfare from individual faculty members and groups of faculty; monitor existing evaluation procedures, instruments, validity, collections and distribution of data; and
  • Address other specific questions in this area that may be requested by the Senate Executive Committee.

Voting membership of the Faculty Welfare Committee shall be composed of senators or alternates representing each unit, appointed in light of apportionment by the Senate Executive Committee and faculty members representing each unit, one per unit. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their delegate.

Note: At the January 2024 Faculty Senate meeting, a change to membership was approved. See page 51 of the agenda at https://drive.google.com/file/d/10Hk4a6pUXqEASmBBycaNT4rfCV9lswfH/view for the language of the change.

College of Arts and Humanities (CAH)Elizabeth F. Desnoyers-Colas (Co-Chair)Voting Member (SEC Appointed)2025Armstrong
College of Arts and Humanities (CAH)Rachel GreenVoting Members (Elected)2025Armstrong
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences CBSS)Chris SmithVoting Members (Elected)2026Statesboro
College of Education (COE)Kathryn HaughneyVoting Members (Elected)2026Statesboro
College of Science and Mathematics (COSM)Geneva DeMarsVoting Members (Elected)2026Armstrong
JIiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health (JPHCOPH)Logan CowanVoting Members (Elected)2025Armstrong
Paulson College of Engineering and Computing (PCEC)Gustavo MaldonadoVoting Members (Elected)2026Statesboro
Parker College of Business (PCOB)Katie PhamVoting Members (Elected)2025Statesboro
University Libraries (LIB)Melissa JacksonVoting Members (Elected)2025Armstrong
Waters College of Health Professions (WCHP)Diana Botnaru (Co-Chair)Voting Members (Elected)2025Statesboro
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or his/her delegate:
Diana Cone, Vice Provost
Non-Voting MemberStatesboro

Last updated: 1/16/2025