Membership 2024-2025
Please email with corrections, additions, etc.
Faculty Senate Membership
- Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
- College of Arts and Humanities
- College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Parker College of Business
- College of Education
- College of Science and Mathematics
- University Libraries
- Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health
- Waters College of Health Professions
- Liberty Campus
Standing Committee Information
- Academic Standards Committee
- Faculty Development Committee
- Faculty Research Committee
- Faculty Service Committee
- Faculty Welfare Committee
- General Education and Core Curriculum Committee
- Graduate Committee
- Inclusive Excellence Committee
- Libraries Committee
- Planning, Budget, and Facilities Committee
- Senate Elections Committee
- Senate Executive Committee
- Student Success Committee
- Undergraduate Committee
Officers 2024-2025
- President: Finbarr Curtis
- President-Elect: Rob Terry
- Senate Secretary: Amanda Konkle
- Senate Librarian: Wilhelmina Randtke
- Student Government Association Rep.- TBA
Senate Representatives on Other Committees
- Athletics Committee: (was Chris Kadlec – PCEC, FY 2023-2024)
- Faculty Athletics Representative to the NCAA: (was Chris Geyerman, FY 2023-2024)
- Intellectual Property Committee: TBA
- Parking and Transportation Appeals Committee: TBA (appointed by Planning, Budget, and Facilities Committee)
- Student Government Association Liaison: (was Michael Nielsen – CBSS, FY 2023-2024)
Ad Hoc Committees and Subcommittees 2021-2022
- Ad Hoc committees
- Subcommittees
Last updated: 8/19/2024