Senate Executive Committee 2024-2025

SECTION 2. The Senate Executive Committee shall serve as the chief governing body for all matters before the Senate. It shall be the purpose of the Senate Executive Committee to guide the actions of the Senate so as to enhance all Faculty Senate activities. The Senate Executive Committee shall request representation from the SEC in meetings with the President, Provost, other administrators, or other committees concerning the charge of the senate (e.g., academic affairs) as needed.

SECTION 3. The Senate Executive Committee shall consist of:

  • Voting members, one senator from each college and the libraries, elected by the faculty in their respective units for two-year staggered terms.
  • The Senate president who serves as the chair of the Senate Executive Committee who serves as a non-voting member except in the case of a tie.
  • Additionally, the president-elect, the Senate librarian and the Senate secretary shall serve in an advisory role as non-voting members, unless they represent their colleges on the Senate Executive Committee.
  • In the event all Senate Executive Committee members have a single “home” campus, the Senate president, in consultation with appropriate senators, may appoint an additional non-voting elected senator from a counterpart campus to address apportionment. Additional faculty members may be invited to the SEC to consult on specific issues.
  • A non-voting staff member designated by the president of the University shall serve as a liaison with the Senate Executive Committee. Staff assistance and administrative support shall be provided through the Office of the Faculty Senate.

Additional information about the SEC can be found in the Bylaws.

College of Arts and Humanities (CAH)Finbarr CurtisVoting Member (Elected)2025Statesboro
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (CBSS)Wendy WolfeVoting Member (Elected)2026Armstrong
College of Education (COE)Lucas JensenVoting Member (Elected)2026Statesboro
College of Science and Mathematics (COSM)Maxim DurachVoting Member (Elected)2025Statesboro
Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health (JPHCOPH)Yelena TarasenkoVoting Member (Elected)2025Statesboro
Paulson College of Engineering and Computing (PCEC)Lixin LiVoting Member (Elected)2026Statesboro
Parker College of Business (PCOB)Kwabena BoakyeVoting Member (Elected)2025Statesboro
University Libraries (LIB)Wilhelmina RandtkeVoting Member (Elected)2025Statesboro
Waters College of Health Professions (WCHP)Kari MauVoting Member (Elected)2026Armstrong
College of Arts and Humanities (CAH)Finbarr Curtis (CHAIR, SENATE PRESIDENT)Non-Voting MemberStatesboro
College of Arts and Humanities (CAH) Robert Terry (PRESIDENT-ELECT)Non-Voting MemberArmstrong
College of Arts and Humanities (CAH)Amanda Konkle (SENATE SECRETARY)Non-Voting MemberArmstrong
University Libraries (LIB)Wilhelmina Randtke (SENATE LIBRARIAN)Non-Voting MemberStatesboro

Last updated: 1/16/2025