Faculty Senate Bylaws as amended in March 2022

324 Faculty Senate Bylaws

The operating rules of the Senate are set forth in the Bylaws which were approved by the Faculty Senate, January 22, 1996, and last amended on March 23, 2022. These Bylaws establish the operating procedures and committee structure and membership.


SECTION 1. The variety and complexity of the tasks performed by institutions of higher education produce an inescapable interdependence among governing board, administration, faculty, students, and others. The relationship calls for adequate communication among these components, and full opportunity for appropriate joint planning and effort. The Faculty Senate shall serve as the representative and legislative agency of the faculty. As such, it shall serve as the official faculty advisory body to the president in the spirit of shared governance. (Shared Governance at Georgia Southern is viewed as a structure and process for partnership, equity, accountability, and ownership). Within the policy framework of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, and with the approval of the president, the recommendations of the Faculty Senate shall be the academic policy of the University to be implemented by the administration.

SECTION 2. The academic affairs of the University are the concern of the Faculty Senate who is responsible for formulating, recommending, and reviewing policies and procedures including academic activities, general educational policy of the University, the welfare of the faculty, and other matters which maintain and promote the best interests of the faculty and the University as specified in the Policy Manual of the Board of Regents.

SECTION 3. These Bylaws allow the Faculty Senate to accomplish its responsibilities and objectives provided that the bylaws do not directly conflict with the Statutes of Georgia Southern University.


SECTION 1. Membership criteria are described in detail in Article V of the Statutes of Georgia Southern University. In particular,

  1. each academic college and the university libraries (hereafter referred to as unit) will have the total number of its full-time faculty divided by 15; for every 15 faculty members, or major portion thereof (i.e., 8-14), that unit will receive a Senate seat to be filled by election following each unit’s election process. 
  2. no unit shall have fewer than two Senate seats, even if that means apportioning a seat to a unit that is not strictly called for by the ratio in part (a.) of this section.
  3. each unit shall fill at least one Senate seat with a faculty member based on the Armstrong campus and at least one Senate seat with a faculty member based on the Statesboro campus.
  4. should apportionment calculations direct a reduction in a unit’s number of Senate seats, no sitting senator will be removed; that seat will be eliminated when the first senator of that unit to reach their term limit rotates off the Senate. No unit will lose more than one seat in any given year.
  5. members of the faculty who are full-time administrators (distinguished by an administrative contract) are not eligible to serve as senators or on Senate committees. Should a senator (or committee member) accept a full-time, 12-month, administrative position, whether permanent or interim, that individual must resign from their Senate seat and/or all committees on which they are serving. Interim administrative positions with contracts for less than 12 months must resign from Senate seats and committees. 

SECTION 2. Policies for scheduling regular and called meetings and the frequency of meetings are also described in the Statutes. (University Statutes, Article V, Section 4. The Faculty Senate shall meet at least three times during each semester and once in the summer, and at other times upon call by the president or upon petition signed by ten percent of the members of the Faculty Senate.) The president of the University shall provide to the faculty abbreviated minutes summarizing all action items within 10 working days following each meeting. Any member of the university community is welcome to attend Senate meetings as an observer.


Senators will receive in writing any item intended for notification, or discussion, at least two workdays in advance of the Senate meeting at which said item will appear on the agenda. If a request for a motion has been filed that will also be provided at least two days prior to the Senate meeting at which that motion request will be considered, and they will receive copies of any documents related to said agenda item at least two workdays in advance of the Senate meeting. For purposes of these Bylaws, the work week is defined as 8 a.m. on Monday until 5 p.m. on Friday when classes are in session.

SECTION 4. Faculty Senate meetings shall be conducted according to   to the most practical extent possible. 

SECTION 5. By direction of the Board of Regents, the president of Georgia Southern University shall preside at all meetings of the Faculty Senate. The president may ask the duly elected Faculty Senate President to serve as Senate moderator.

SECTION 6. All senate meetings should comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including the Georgia

Open Records Act and Georgia Open Meetings Act. If meetings are held in a virtual format, such as zoom or a

similar web conferencing program, access to the digital format must be made available to all GS faculty, staff,

students and community members at least two days prior to the senate meeting.


SECTION 1. The officers of the Faculty Senate shall consist of the Senate president who is the chair of the Senate Executive Committee, the elected members of the Senate Executive Committee, the president-elect, the Senate secretary, and the Senate librarian. Only elected senators are eligible to serve as officers.

SECTION 2. The Senate Executive Committee shall serve as the chief governing body for all matters before the Senate. It shall be the purpose of the Senate Executive Committee to guide the actions of the Senate so as to enhance all Faculty Senate activities. The Senate Executive Committee shall request representation from the SEC in meetings with the President, Provost, other administrators, or other committees concerning the charge of the senate (e.g., academic affairs) as needed.

SECTION 3. The Senate Executive Committee shall consist of: 

  1. Voting members, one senator from each college and the libraries, elected by the faculty in their respective units for two-year staggered terms.
  2. the Senate president who serves as the chair of the Senate Executive Committee who serves as a non-voting member except in the case of a tie. 
  3. Additionally, the president-elect, the Senate librarian and the Senate secretary shall serve in an advisory role as non-voting members, unless they represent their colleges on the Senate Executive Committee. 
  4. In the event all Senate Executive Committee members have a single the Senate president, in consultation with appropriate senators, may appoint an additional non-voting elected senator from a counterpart campus to address apportionment. Additional faculty members may be invited to the SEC to consult on specific issues. 
  5. A non-voting staff member designated by the president of the University shall serve as a liaison with the Senate Executive Committee. Staff assistance and administrative support shall be provided through the Office of the Faculty Senate.


The Duties of the Senate President shall be as follows:

  1. Shall be the representative of the faculty and the faculty senate and advocate for faculty interests.
  2. At the request of the University President the Senate president will preside as moderator at Senate meetings.
  3. Represent the faculty at meetings of the University President’s Council.
  4. In case of a tie in the SEC or in the Senate, the Senate President shall cast the tie-breaking vote. 
  5. Shall forward the finalized agenda to the University President within two business days of the of the Senate Meeting.
  6. The Senate President is responsible for the administrative work of the faculty senate; 1. Updates to the senate faculty website, 2. Emails to the corps of instruction on senate business, 3. Publishing the senate agenda, 4. Publishing the links to senate meetings.
  7. The Senate president is expected to maintain regular office hours accessible to all faculty with physical office hours on the Statesboro and Armstrong campuses.
  8. The position of Senate president is recognized with a re-assignment of the equivalent of one course release each semester per elected term for duties relating to Senate activities or representation and is issued a stipend ($3,000) for availability during the non-contract periods in the summer.

SECTION 5. The duties of the Senate Executive Committee shall be as follows:

  1. coordinate an orientation workshop for incoming senators and alternates at least a week prior to the first Faculty Senate meeting of the academic year on a date determined by the Senate Executive Committee.
  2. Shall set the Senate agenda and the Senate President shall forward the finalized agenda to the University President within two business days of the Senate meeting.
  3. appoint a representative of the University to serve on the University System of Georgia Faculty Council.  This individual will serve a two year term on the USGFC; The representative’s initial appointment needs to occur while they are a member of the SEC. This individual will report to the SEC following the USGFC meeting and then to the Senate.
  4. nominate one faculty member to serve as the institutional representative to the National Collegiate Athletic Association. This appointment must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Faculty Senate. There shall be a one-year apprenticeship prior to becoming the institutional representative. The institutional representative shall serve a six-year term of office (a total of seven years) and may succeed themselves. In cases where the institutional representative has been elected to office in the Sun Belt Conference and the term of that office exceeds the six-year term, the president of the University, in consultation with the Senate Executive Committee, may extend the term of the institutional representative to coincide with the term of the elected office in the Sun Belt Conference. Such an extension shall normally be limited to no more than two years.
  5. nominate at least one faculty member to serve a one-year term as Student Government Association representative. This vote must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Faculty Senate. This position will be elected by the Senate in the final meeting of the academic year.
  6. appoint members to both standing committees and ad hoc committees. In general, members shall be chosen to ensure representation from across the university community. The Senate Executive Committee shall solicit interest for nomination or appointment to standing and ad hoc committees. However, in some cases, qualifications for committee membership shall accrue directly from the nature of the committee activity and the interest and talents of certain individuals.
  7. appoint and/or nominate, as appropriate, faculty to other university committees as requested by the president.
  8. ensure that each ad hoc committee has a specific charge that outlines measurable objectives and appropriate time constraints and require that each ad hoc committee submit to the Senate Executive Committee a written report summarizing its activity. The Senate Executive Committee shall provide reports to the Senate for review and action, as needed.
  9. Review a mandated report from each standing and ad hoc committee following their first meeting that clarifies their agenda for the semester, their charge, and their proposed goals and actions. Follow up with the ad hoc and standing committees as needed.
  10.  review all the foundational documents of the University as they relate to the faculty, including, but not necessarily limited to, the Statutes, Bylaws, and various handbooks; examine extant committee structure of the Senate, including charges and composition; and recommend to the Senate such revisions or amendments as appropriate and necessary.
  11. provide minutes of all Senate Executive Committee meetings to the Librarian’s Report and a summary report included in the agenda for the Senate meeting immediately following the SEC meeting.
  12. review and revise as appropriate the apportionment of senators from the units according to the Statutes (see Article II, § I, and Article IV, § 17).
  13. adjust term limits of committee members as necessary to ensure appropriate continuity and apportionment (see Article II, § I, and Article IV, § 17).
  14. communicate to the faculty at-large reminders of Senate Agenda deadlines, Senate meetings, locations of  minutes, and the Librarian’s Report.
  15. Send regular updates on SEC meetings and Senate meetings to their academic units; and
  16. appoint a Senate parliamentarian.

SECTION 6. The duties of the PRESIDENT-ELECT shall be as follows:

  1. Serve on the Senate Executive Committee as an ex-officio officer. They can also serve as the representative to their college if elected by their college.
  2. preside over the Senate and the SEC in the absence of the president.
  3. attend meetings with the Senate President starting spring semester to learn the duties and responsibilities of the office. 

SECTION 7. The duties of the SENATE SECRETARY shall be as follows:

a. collect, write, review with the Senate president, and distribute minutes of the proceedings of Senate and SEC meetings to the faculty (as defined in the Statutes of Georgia Southern University) with staff assistance from the Office of the Faculty Senate. The Senate minutes shall be distributed within 10 working days after the Senate meeting.

b. write and submit the SEC summary report for the next Senate meeting.

c. write and submit the SEC minutes to the Librarian for the Librarian’s report.

SECTION 8. The duties of the SENATE LIBRARIAN shall be as follows:

  1. provide to the members of the Faculty Senate an informative summary report of all minutes provided to the librarian by the chairs of the standing committees and ad hoc committees of the Faculty Senate. The librarian shall prepare the “Librarian’s Report” with staff assistance from the Office of the Faculty Senate and shall distribute the report to the SEC at least five working days prior to the next scheduled SEC meeting. The Librarian’s report shall be included in the Senate agenda. Committees presenting reports as separate agenda items should post minutes on the Senate website at least five working days prior to the Senate meeting for consideration by the Senate.
  2. serve as a faculty representative on the advisory council to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and shall prepare and distribute to the SEC and Senate a summary of the issues addressed at those meetings.
  3. serve as chair of the Senate Elections Committee. As chair, the Senate Librarian calculates the number of senators representing each unit based on the criteria stated in the University Statutes, works with the election committee to verify eligibility of candidates prior to the elections, works with the election committee to conduct elections at the unit level, and certifies the election of Senate officers. 

SECTION 9. Senate Parliamentarian

The Senate Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the SEC. This individual does not need to be an elected senator. Their duties are:

  1. attend all senate meetings.
  2. resolve questions regarding Robert’s Rules of Order.

This individual is not required to be a senator or a member of the faculty. Parliamentarians do not have a voice or vote unless they are a senator. It is encouraged that they have previous senate experience.

SECTION 10. The Senate secretary, the Senate librarian, and the President-Elect shall be sitting senators or senators-elect elected by the Senate at its final meeting of the spring semester. The president-elect must have one remaining year in their term. These three Senate officers, in addition to the rising President, shall serve one-year terms beginning with the first day of the following academic year. The Senate secretary and Senate librarian may succeed themselves for no more than one additional term (a total of two consecutive years). Persons elected to these positions must have had at least one prior year of service on the Faculty Senate prior to the start of the term to which they have been elected.

SECTION 11. Any action taken by the Senate Executive Committee may be overturned by a two-thirds vote of the Faculty Senate.

SECTION 12. Replacing a vacancy in the SEC. 

  1. If the Senate President resigns, the President-Elect shall fill the remainder of that term, and continue as Senate President for their elected term. An election to fill the remainder of the President-Elect’s term shall take place at the next regular Senate meeting. 
  2. Should the Senate Librarian, Secretary and President-Elect resign during their terms, an election to fill the remainder the term shall take place during the next regular Senate meeting. The president-elect shall fill the librarian or secretary position until the election can be held.
  3. Should any of the SEC members resign, the SEC shall require the individual unit they represent to fill the open seat according to their individual unit policy.


SECTION 1. The Faculty Senate shall discharge its responsibilities through a system of standing and ad hoc committees empowered by and responsible to the Senate. Some of these committees shall be designated as standing committees which have a well-defined purpose and whose functions continue from year to year. Others shall be designated as ad hoc committees created to address a particular issue or area of interest. All members of the faculty of Georgia Southern University are eligible for membership on Senate committees. The Senate may seek students to serve on committees where needed or called for.

SECTION 2. The Elections Committee shall be chaired by the Senate librarian. All other standing committees (the

Graduate, Undergraduate, Academic Standards, Faculty Welfare, Faculty Development, Research, Service, Libraries, General Education and Core Curriculum Committees) are chaired by a voting member elected by the voting members of the committee for a renewable one-year term. Ad-hoc committee chairs shall be appointed by the Senate Executive Committee.

SECTION 3. Chairs of all standing committees will be elected at the final meeting of the committee in the spring semester. Chairs are not excluded from voting on committee motions and in the case of a tie vote, committee motions will not pass.  The Chairs (or designated coordinators in the case of some committees) shall 

  1. circulate the meeting minutes to the committee allowing the members 5 working days to approve those minutes.
  2. provide the Senate librarian with reports of each committee meeting within 10 working days of such meetings for inclusion in the Libararian’s report.
  3. submit, within 10 working days, to the Senate Executive Committee a prioritized list of actionable items to be included as agenda items for consideration by the Senate. Actionable items are defined as those items which affect the academic policies of the University.

SECTION 4. The Senate Executive Committee shall appoint senators or senate alternates to committees based on units at the first SEC meeting of the year. These appointments are for a one-year term. These appointees can serve consecutive terms. Members unable to fulfill their duties must step down from standing committees. They will be replaced by the SEC, unless unit rules precede. A senator elected by a unit to serve on a standing committee may not also serve as the appointed senator to that committee.

SECTION 5. Non-Senate faculty members of standing committees shall be elected by the unit. Vacancies of elected positions on committees that occur following the regular election period are to be filled for the remainder of the term using procedures internally devised by the colleges and libraries. Alternates for curriculum committees are elected through individual college elections and should act as a voting member of those committees only in the absence of the elected college representative.

SECTION 6. Elected membership on standing committees shall normally be for a two-year term with the terms of office staggered to ensure no more than 50 percent turnover in any given year. No faculty member may be elected to more than two consecutive terms on a standing committee. Members unable to fulfill their duties must step down from standing committees, while away, to ensure consistent representation of their college. Members will be replaced according to each unit’s procedures. 

SECTION 7. Ad hoc committees shall have a specific charge concerning their activities and shall be dissolved with a formal action by the Senate upon accomplishing their purpose.

SECTION 8. All committees are empowered and encouraged to invite for counsel and advice from other members of the university community as appropriate.


Preamble: Each standing committee will review best practices for equity, inclusivity, and representation within their charge.


  1. The responsibilities of the UNDERGRADUATE COMMITTEE shall be as follows:
  1. recommend to the Faculty Senate policy and procedures concerning undergraduate programs and curricula; review and approve all changes in undergraduate courses, major and minor programs, emphases, concentrations, and degrees; and maintain continuous review of all undergraduate academic programs.
  2. address other specific questions in this area that may be requested by the Senate Executive Committee.
  3. Voting membership of the Undergraduate Committee shall be composed of senators or senate alternates representing each unit, one per unit, appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and one elected faculty member per unit representing each college and the libraries and two elected faculty alternates per unit. An alternate for a unit may substitute for the elected faculty member of that unit or the Senate Executive Committee appointee of that unit at meetings. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their delegate, the Student Government Association President or Student Government Association Vice President of academic affairs, and a representative from the Office of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation.


  1. The responsibilities of the GRADUATE COMMITTEE shall be as follows:
  1. recommend policy and procedures concerning graduate programs and curricula and maintain continuous review of such programs; review and approve all changes to graduate courses, graduate programs, and degrees; review and approve policies for the appointment and retention of faculty members to the graduate faculty; and 
  2. address other specific questions in this area that may be requested by the Senate Executive Committee.

b. Voting membership of the Graduate Committee shall be composed of senators or senate alternates representing each unit, one per unit, appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and one elected faculty member per unit representing each college and the libraries and two elected faculty alternates per unit. An alternate for a unit may substitute for the elected faculty member of that unit or the Senate Executive Committee appointee of that unit at meetings. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their delegate, the Dean of the Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies, a representative from the Office of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation, and a graduate student elected by the Graduate Student Organization. Senate and faculty representatives must be members of the graduate faculty.


  1. The responsibilities of the ACADEMIC STANDARDS COMMITTEE shall be as follows:
    1. review and recommend policy and procedures concerning academic standards as they affect the overall academic integrity of the University; recommend policy and procedures and act upon appeals concerning admissions, academic suspension and academic exclusion, special admission and readmission, and provisional and probationary procedures; and
    2. address other specific questions in this area that may be requested by the Senate Executive Committee.
  2. Voting membership of the Academic Standards Committee shall be composed of senators or alternates representing each unit, one per unit, appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and faculty members elected by and representing each college and the libraries, one per unit. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their delegate, the Vice President for Student Affairs, or their delegate, and the Vice President for Enrollment Management, or their delegate.


  1. The responsibilities of the GENERAL EDUCATION & CORE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE shall be as follows:
    1. recommend to the Faculty Senate policy and procedures concerning general education and core curriculum; propose, coordinate, and document the University’s general education and core curriculum outcomes, i.e., those the faculty expect to be achieved by all of the University’s undergraduate students, regardless of their degree program; coordinate with the Undergraduate Committee and staff agencies, as required, to identify the courses and other student experiences intended to achieve general education and core curriculum outcomes; plan, facilitate, and report the assessment of general education and core curriculum outcomes; recommend and monitor improvements, based on the results of general education and core curriculum assessment; and
    2. address other specific questions in this area that may be requested by the Senate Executive Committee.
  2. Voting membership of the General Education & Core Curriculum Committee shall be composed of senators or senate alternates representing each unit, one per unit, appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and faculty members elected by and representing each academic college and the libraries, one per unit, and two elected faculty alternates per unit. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their delegate, the Associate Vice President for Institutional Assessment and Accreditation, or their delegate, the Vice President for Enrollment Management, or their delegate, an advisor or advising coordinator designated by the Provost’s Office, and the Student Government Association president or Student Government Association Vice President of Academic Affairs.


  1. The responsibilities of the ELECTIONS COMMITTEE shall be as follows:
    1. coordinate the election of faculty to the Senate according to the procedures set forth by each academic unit; coordinate any other Senate elections as directed by the Senate Executive Committee; work with the President’s Office to coordinate elections to university committees with Faculty Senate elections. Monitor elections to university committees, including the Faculty Grievance Committee when requested by the president; conduct apportionment calculations annually in January using the full-time faculty count available from the provost. The committee will report their findings to the Senate Executive Committee, which will notify the election committees of the individual units regarding those findings and how many seats they have open for election; Supervise the completion of elections and report senate election results to the Senate Executive Committee by April 1 of each year; and 
    2. address other specific questions in this area that may be requested by the Senate Executive Committee.
  2. The committee shall be chaired by the Senate Librarian. Voting membership of the Elections Committee shall be composed of one senator appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and faculty members elected by and representing each unit, one per unit. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the secretary of the Senate.


  1. The responsibilities of the FACULTY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE shall be as follows:
    1. recommend policy and procedures covering all aspects of the University’s support of faculty development; review and evaluate proposals for faculty development funding and allocate funds budgeted for that purpose; and review and evaluate nominations for awards and prizes in the area of faculty development.
  2. Voting membership of the Faculty Development Committee shall be composed of one senator appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and faculty members elected by and representing each unit, one per unit. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their delegate. 


  1. The responsibilities of the FACULTY RESEARCH COMMITTEE shall be as follows:
    1. recommend policy and procedures covering all aspects of the University’s support of faculty research and creative projects; review and evaluate proposals for faculty research funding and allocate funds budgeted for that purpose; review and evaluate nominations for awards and prizes in the area of faculty research; and
    2. address other specific questions in this area that may be requested by the Senate Executive Committee.
  2. Voting membership of the Faculty Research Committee shall be composed of one senator appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and faculty members elected by and representing each unit, one per unit. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their delegate. 


  1. The responsibilities of the FACULTY SERVICE COMMITTEE shall be as follows:
    1. recommend policy and procedures covering all aspects of the University’s support of faculty service; review and evaluate proposals for faculty service funding and allocate funds budgeted for that purpose; and
    2. address other specific questions in this area that may be requested by the Senate Executive Committee.
  2. Voting membership of the Faculty Service Committee shall be composed of one senator appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and faculty members elected by and representing each unit, one per unit. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their delegate. 


  1. The responsibilities of the FACULTY WELFARE COMMITTEE shall be as follows:
    1. conduct an on-going study of campus, University System of Georgia, state and national policies affecting faculty benefits and working conditions; solicit suggestions and concerns related to faculty welfare from individual faculty members and groups of faculty; monitor existing evaluation procedures, instruments, validity, collections and distribution of data; and 
    2. address other specific questions in this area that may be requested by the Senate Executive Committee.
  2. Voting membership of the Faculty Welfare Committee shall be composed of senators or alternates representing each unit, appointed in light of apportionment by the Senate Executive Committee and faculty members representing each unit, one per unit. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their delegate. 


  1. The responsibilities of the LIBRARIES COMMITTEE shall be as follows:
  1. review and recommend policy for the libraries, including public services and the allocation of departmental funds; and
  2. address other specific questions in this area that may be requested by the Senate Executive Committee.
  3. Voting membership of the Libraries Committee shall be composed of one senator appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and faculty members elected by and representing each unit, one per unit. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the University Librarian, or their delegate, one undergraduate student and one graduate student, chosen in an appropriate manner by the Student Government Association and the Graduate Student Organization, respectively.


  1. The responsibilities of the STUDENT SUCCESS COMMITTEE shall be as follows:
  2. evaluate recruitment, admission and retention goals; review current and proposed policies related to recruitment, admission, and retention; identify resource needs to increase and expand recruitment, admission, retention, and graduation.
  3. Voting membership shall be composed of one senator appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and faculty members elected by and representing each unit, one per unit. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the vice president for student affairs, or their delegate, the Vice President for Enrollment Management, or their delegate, and the Dean of Students, or their delegate.


  1. The responsibilities of the PLANNING, BUDGET, AND FACILITIES COMMITTEE shall be as follows:
  1. make recommendations concerning strategic planning, budgeting (including long-range planning and the annual budget prior to its submission to the Board of Regents);
  2. make recommendations on planning, development, and expansion of physical facilities when such endeavors affect the academic mission of the University; and
  3. gather and disseminate budget-related information as requested to enhance transparency
  4. Voting membership shall be composed of one senator appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and faculty members elected by and representing each unit, one per unit. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their delegate; the vice president for student affairs, or their delegate; the vice president for enrollment management, or their delegate, and the vice president for business                  and finance, or their delegate. 


a. The responsibilities of the Inclusive Excellence Committee shall be as follows:

  1. collaborate with other standing committees to develop, review and recommend    changes to the IE Action Plan, as needed;
  2. seek input and coordinate the implementation of the IE Action Plan with other            standing committees and IE college level committees across campus, as needed;
  3. review and recommend policy and procedures concerning Inclusive Excellence; and
  4. address other specific questions in this area that may be requested by the Senate Executive Committee.
  5. Voting membership of the Inclusive Excellence Committee shall be composed of senators or alternates representing each unit, one per unit, appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and faculty members elected by and representing each unit, one per unit. Non-voting membership shall be composed of the Associate Vice President, Inclusive Excellence and Chief Diversity Officer or their delegate. 


SECTION 22. Any member of the faculty may request that the Faculty Senate establish an ad hoc committee by completing the following requirements:

  1. submit a request in writing to the Senate Executive Committee stating specifically the problem, issue, and/or area of concern. The request must demonstrate that the issue is one of general concern for the University and not a matter concerning only an individual college or administrative area;
  2. outline the desired result from the committee activity (e.g., a report, revision of the Statutes, a new or revised administrative approach in a particular area). Requesting increased budgetary support in one or more areas at the expense of others is not a suitable purpose; and
  3. recommend (optional) the names of eligible persons who are interested or have special expertise in the identified area. Faculty senators and non-senators and other members of the university community are eligible to serve on ad hoc committees. Recommendations shall be considered, but final determination of the membership of a committee shall be made by the Senate Executive Committee.

SECTION 23. The Senate Executive Committee shall decide whether to establish ad hoc committees. All requests to establish such a committee shall be answered in writing and shall be provided to the Faculty Senate with a statement from the Senate Executive Committee indicating approval or disapproval and the rationale for the decision.

SECTION 24. If the request to establish an ad hoc committee is approved, the Senate Executive Committee shall appoint members to the committee including a senator as committee chair. The Senate Executive Committee shall also prepare a specific charge for the committee and specify a requested due date.

SECTION 25. The faculty member requesting the formation of an ad hoc committee for which the request is denied may appeal to the full Faculty Senate as a regular agenda item. The Senate may override the decision of the Senate Executive Committee by majority vote of those present.

SECTION 26. Ad hoc committees shall have the following reporting responsibilities:

  1. provide an interim report to the Senate Executive Committee in writing at least once each semester; and
  2. present a final report in writing to the Senate Executive Committee by the requested due date. The report shall be submitted as a regular agenda item at a meeting of the Faculty Senate by the ad hoc committee chair.


SECTION 1. These Bylaws were approved by the Faculty Senate on March 23, 2022. Subsequent revision must be included as an agenda item and shall require a two-thirds vote of those present at a meeting of the Faculty Senate.

SECTION 2. The president shall call a meeting of the corps of instruction upon a petition of 10% of the members of the corps of instruction to consider proposed revisions approved by the Faculty Senate. 

Approved by Faculty Senate, March 23, 2022; President, July 11, 2022

Last updated: 8/1/2022