International Festival 2018 Global Village Winners

Thank you to all of our participants in this year’s International Festival 2018! We had so much fun playing games, watching performances, and learning about other cultures with you!

We want to especially give a huge shout out to our Global Village participants this year. Students from various local schools took us on a journey around the world as they presented facts, clothing, games, food, and more from different countries around the world. Congratulations to our winners and thank you again to all of our participants!

Brazil: Screven County Middle School
Japan: Swainsboro MIddle School
France: South Effingham High School
Honduras: Southeast Bulloch High School
India: William James MIddle School

See below to see our winners and placements!

Global Village Winners - France: South Effingham High School

1st Place France: South Effingham High School

1st place: France
2nd place: Japan
3rd place: Brazil

Most Knowledgeable: Brazil

Most Creative: Honduras

Most Authentic Appearance: France

Best Presentation: India

Most Engaging: Brazil

Congratulations and thank you all again for your amazing presentations, help and participation. We can’t wait to see you again next year!


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