Erasmus+ is a Higher Education exchange program for students, teachers and institutions. The aim of Erasmus+ is to contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, jobs, social equity and inclusion, as well as the aims of ET2020, the EU’s strategic framework for education and training. The European Commission has an active policy for cooperation in education (higher education in particular) and training with non-European Union (EU) countries.
Erasmus+: International Collaboration Between Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania) and Georgia Southern University

The cooperation between the two Universities started in 2016 with exchanges of faculty in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, with the particular goal to promote the development of common educational and research programs. In 2017, the Rector and vice-Rector of Transilvania University of Brasov as well as the Director of International Programs at Georgia Southern signed an Erasmus+ cooperation agreement. The main participants in this international collaboration are Prof. dr. ing. Paul Nicolae BORZA from Transilvania University and Prof. dr. ing. Felix HAMZA-LUP from Georgia Southern. The collaboration has been facilitated by Rector, Prof. dr. ing. Ioan Vasile ABRUDAN, and vice-Rectors Prof. Simona LACHE and Prof. Carmen BUZEA form Transilvania University, as well as by the Director of International Programs and Services Prof. Dr. Dorothee Mertzweigel from Georgia Southern.
During the 2017 and 2018 years of cooperation in the Erasmus+ several lectures have been presented on both sides as follows:
2017 Presentations
2018 Presentations
Erasmus+: International Collaboration Between The University of South Bohemia (Czech Republic) and Georgia Southern University
The Erasmus + collaboration between Georgia Southern and the University of South Bohemia has allowed five professors from the College of Education on both sides and five professors from the Waters College of Health Professions on both sides to travel to the partner institution and learn more about the curricula of their own specialty at the partner institution, but also with local hospitals, nursing homes, and schools. The idea behind these exchanges is to discuss various exchange possibilities for faculty and students, as well as research opportunities.
Professors from the College of Education at Georgia Southern: Dr. Kathie Burke-Fabrikant and Dr. Cynthia Bolton
Professors from the Faculty of Education at USB: Dr. Lucie Betakova, Dr. Petr Dvorak, Dr. Olga Malinovska
Professors from the Waters College of Health Professions: Dr. Keith Belcher, Dr. Catherine Gilbert and Dr. James Karnes
Professors from the Faculty of Health Professions at USB: Dr. Miroslav Sip, Dr. Marek Zeman
Read more about it at USB’s website.
Last updated: 1/11/2021