Testing Services
Click here for directions to the Information Technology Building (IT) where the digital SAT will be administered.
Remember you must bring your computer with the Bluebook app downloaded before arriving at 7:45 AM for the SAT.

2021 National College Testing Association Program/Innovation Award Recipient
Our Mission:
Georgia Southern University’s Office of Testing Services is dedicated to delivering centralized, efficient, and professional evaluation, preparation, and testing services to the Georgia Southern University campus community in a caring, compassionate and concerned setting. The Georgia Southern University testing office adheres to the Standards and Guidelines of the National College Testing Association.
Tests Offered:
Testing is offered Monday through Friday between 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, based on availability.
Legend: STB: Statesboro Campus, SAV: Savannah, Armstrong Campus, LIB: Liberty Campus
Click on the exam name to learn more about the exam and how to schedule an appointment. For Georgia Southern Online Courses proctored exams select Proctored Exams.
Test | Location(s) | Test | Location(s) |
Accuplacer | STB, SAV, LIB | ACT (National) | STB |
ACT On-Campus | STB, SAV | Associate Constructor | |
Certiport | STB | CLEP | STB, SAV |
DSST | STB, SAV | eCore | STB, SAV, LIB |
GACE | STB, SAV | GACE ParaPro | STB |
GRE & GRE Subject Test | HESI A2 | STB, SAV | |
ISO Quality Testing | STB | Kryterion | STB, SAV |
LSAT | STB | Legislative Exemption Exams | STB, SAV |
MAT | STB, SAV | Major Fields Test | STB, SAV |
PAN | SAV | Proctored Exams | STB, SAV |
SAT (National) | STB | ServSafe | STB, SAV |
TEAS- Allied Health | SAV | TOEFL | STB |
All visitors who are testing Monday through Friday are required to receive a parking pass. Contact the Office of Testing Services to receive an electronic visitor parking pass at least 72 hours before testing between 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday either by phone (Statesboro: 912-478-5415 Savannah: 912-344-2582) or e-mail (Statesboro: testing@georgiasouthern.edu or Savannah: testingsav@georgiasouthern.edu). Parking passes are not required on weekends or during campus breaks.
Click here for the campus interactive map for the Statesboro, Savannah, and Liberty campuses. For Armstrong, please use the link below to receive the correct directions to the building.
Statesboro GPS for Cone Hall: 2254 Southern Dr., Statesboro, GA 30458
Statesboro GPS for College of Education STN14503A GACE site: 275 C.O.E Dr, Statesboro, GA 30458
Savannah GPS for Student Success Complex: 104 Library Drive, Savannah, GA 31419 – Link for Google directions.
Directions for Student Success Complex the Testing Office in Savannah
The Testing Office is located in the Student Success Complex, Room 1025. The address is 104 Library Drive, Savannah, GA 31419. There is ample parking in the adjacent computer lot. You will see the Student Success Complex and the Armstrong Recreation Center. Here is a Google Maps Link to input your starting location.

Directions for Information Technology (IT) for the SAT in Statesboro
The SAT is now offered in the Information Technology (IT) Building and no longer meeting at Cone Hall.
Use the interactive campus map to locate the IT building and parking lot 41. Once you drive into the parking lot the IT building is located at the bottom of the lot. You can park anywhere in the lower lot. Then enter through the glass door with the staircase and walk down the hallway to the lobby to learn your assigned room. Map image
Testing Policies:
- A photo ID is required to test (Student ID, driver’s license, passport, state ID). Student IDs cannot be used with CLEP, DSST, and national certification exams.
- The only materials allowed on the desktop while testing include scratch paper and a pen or pencil (unless special instructions are given for arranged test materials).
- All scratch paper must be returned to the test administrator before leaving the room.
- Cell phones, pagers, or other electronic equipment must be turned OFF and turned into the proctor. Phones are kept in the proctor’s office during testing sessions.
- Portable MP3s, headphones, calculators, slide rulers, and other such items or aids are prohibited in the testing room.
- Seating is limited and is by appointment.
- Children are not allowed in the testing rooms. Proper supervision of small children should be arranged before testing – there are no childcare facilities at the testing center.
- No talking is permitted inside the testing rooms during testing.
- No food or drink is permitted in the testing room.
- Cancellation of a proctored test should be done at least 24 hours in advance to allow other test-takers the opportunity to test. Contact the Office of Testing at testingsav@georgiasouthern.edu or testing@georgiasouthern.edu to cancel or reschedule your test, if applicable to the exam.
- Scheduling of proctored tests is done on a first-come-first-serve basis. To ensure that you can test on your desired test date, contact the Office of Testing at least a week in advance to ensure there is space available.
Weather Policy:
If classes are compressed or canceled, offices stay open …
Test Center will be open.
If the university is closed …
The Test Center is closed. All tests that are scheduled will be rescheduled when the campus reopens. Testers taking a national test will reschedule their exam through the national testing company. These companies will be notified by the Office of Testing Services that the campus is closed due to weather. Some tests allow for online proctoring or remote proctoring at another site.
Message Outlets
Along with Georgia Southern’s website, Facebook, Twitter, and Georgia Southern Eagle Alerts, you can learn about weather impact on university hours at the following:
- Public Safety: 912-478-5234
- TV Stations: WSAV, WTOC, or WJCL
For additional information, please contact Testing Services directly.
Test Preparation
The Office of Testing Services is dedicated to assisting Georgia Southern University in preparation for most national examinations and tests. The Office of Testing Services offers many resources for exam preparation to all Georgia Southern University students. The following Websites are also available for exam preparation:
- Certification Exams
- Graduate School Entrance Exams
- Undergraduate Entrance Exams
- On-Line Test Preparation(Free websites offering test preparation materials for all the exams.)
Certification Exams
Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review
A refresher course is offered through the Georgia Southern Continuing Education Program. Call 912-681-5555, for more information. Find more information at the NCEES website.
Georgia Assessment for the Certification of Educators (GACE)
This is the certification exam for educators in the State of Georgia and the entrance exam into the College of Education. Find test preparation materials at GACE. View tests at a glance to see what information will be covered on each test.
Additional resources are available through the following organizations:
Professional Association for Georgia Educators (PAGE): Professional Learning Workshops
PRAXIS review books are available in the College of Education Instructional Resources Center and at the Zach Henderson Library. Find test preparation materials on the PRAXIS website. Click on test preparation for both the PRAXIS I and II. View tests at a glance to see what information will be covered on each test.
Graduate School Entrance Exams
Georgia Assessment for the Certification of Educators (GACE)
Find test preparation materials at the GACE website. Click on test preparation for both the GACE I & II. View tests at a glance to see what information will be covered on each test.
Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
GRE review resources are available in both print and electronic books. Find the locations of the GRE preparation books by searching “GRE” in the Library’s catalog or ask for assistance at the Information Desk. Go to the Library catalog for contact information.
Access free software, free sample tests, and suggestions for preparation at the GRE website.
Georgia Southern University Continuing Education offers GRE Test Preparation programs.
Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
Zach Henderson Library: GMAT review resources are available in both book form and computer program. The computer application is located on the computers in the Microcomputer Applications Area. Find the locations of the GMAT Preparation books by typing “GMAT” in the Library On-Line Catalog to locate available books. Find test preparation materials at MBA.
Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
Zach Henderson Library: LSAT review resources are available in both book form and computer program. The computer application is located on the computers in the Microcomputer Applications Area. Find the locations of the LSAT Preparation books by typing “LSAT” in the Library On-Line Catalog to locate the available books.
Find test preparation materials on the LSAT website. The Georgia Southern Pre-Law Advising Center provides free study guides in the Pre-Law Library. The Pre-Law Advising Center is located in Carroll Building Room 2213.
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
Find test preparation materials on the MCAT website.
Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT)
Find test preparation materials on the PCAT website.
Find test preparation materials on the PRAXIS website. Click on test preparation for both the PRAXIS I and II. View tests at a glance to see what information will be covered on each test.
College Entrance Exams
Use this link to access the recommended ACCUPLACER test preparation materials.
The Continuing Education Office at Georgia Southern University offers ACT Preparations classes including online instructions. Call 912-478-5551 for information concerning classes or see the website. For On-Line courses see Ed2Go and then search for the ACT. Find test preparation materials at ACT.
The Continuing Education Office at Georgia Southern University offers SAT Preparations classes including online instructions. Call 912-478-5551 for information concerning classes or see the CE website. For On-Line Instructions see Ed2Go. and then search for SAT. Find test preparation materials at SAT.
Khan Academy
College Board has collaborated with Khan Academy to offer free SAT Test Preparation. Use this link to access the resources.
On-Line Test Preparation
The Georgia Southern University Continuing Education Office offers various online test preparation programs. For On-Line Courses see Ed2Go. Then search by the test name. Or, call 478-5551 for additional assistance.
My GRE Tutor
My GRE Tutor offers FREE test preparation for the GRE. Offers GRE math & verbal practice questions and explanations, full-length computer-adaptive tests, a vocabulary tutor, and tutorials and hints.
Number 2
Number 2 offers FREE test preparation for SAT, ACT, and GRE by creating an account you can access a customized course that includes user-friendly tutorials, practice sessions that dynamically adapt to each student’s ability level, a vocabulary builder, and more. This site has been highly recommended by other Georgia Southern University students.
Test Prep Review
Test Prep Review offers FREE test preparation for the SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, COMPASS, LSAT, MAT, MCAT, PCAT, and PRAXIS.
4tests offers test preparation materials for the TOEFL, ACT, SAT, GRE, NCLEX, GMAT, LSAT, and more.
Flash Card Secrets provides test preparation materials for entrance exams (SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, MAT, NET, COMPASS) licensing exams, and vocational exams.
Exam 2 Jobs site provides test preparation materials for entrance exams (SAT, ACT, GACE, GRE, GMAT, MAT, NET, Accuplacer) licensing exams, and vocational exams.
If you have additional online sites you found valuable, please e-mail them to testing@georgiasouthern.edu.

Last updated: 11/13/2024