Alumni Awards

The Alumni Awards Program recognizes the highest levels of achievement and service among alumni.

2024 Alumni Awards Recipients

Sara Plaspohl, Dr.P.H. (’78, ’89, ’92, ’10)  — Talon Award

John Cornelius (’01)  — Marvin Pittman Award   

Jermaine Whirl, Ed.D. (’10) — George & Lucy Armstrong Award 

Rick Bean (’81) and Julie Bean (’84) — The Sweetheart Award

Kevin A. Scott (’00, ’02) — Professional Achievement Award

Stephen Gore (’95) — Alumni Service Award

The Honorable Van R. Johnson II (’92) — Community Hero Award

Nehemiah Robertson (’24) — Outstanding Senior Award

Rolling Monkey, Garrett Clark (’13) — Alumni Excellence in Business Award

View photos from the 2024 Alumni Awards event here.

Alumni Awards Criteria:

Excellence in Business Awards

Presented to Alumni Owned Businesses who operate in a manner consistent with the Georgia Southern values of: collaboration, academic excellence, discovery and innovation, integrity, openness and inclusion, and sustainability.

Alumni Service Award

Presented to the alumnus/alumna, who through volunteerism and/or philanthropy, has made the greatest contribution to the advancement of the University.

Community Hero Award

Presented to the alumnus/alumna who has shown remarkable achievements in local, regional, national and international service.

Professional Achievement Award

Presented to the alumnus/alumna who has made the greatest achievement in his/her career.

Sweetheart Award

Presented to a couple who are both alumni and who, together or separately, have supported the University through philanthropy, service or professional work.

George & Lucy Armstrong Award

Presented to an Armstrong alumnus/alumna who best exemplifies the University’s “core values as expressed through collaboration, academic excellence, discovery and innovation, integrity, openness and inclusion and sustainability.”

Marvin Pittman Award

Presented to a Georgia Southern alumnus/alumna who best exemplifies the University’s “core values as expressed through collaboration, academic excellence, discovery and innovation, integrity, openness and inclusion and sustainability.”

Talon Award

Presented to the alumnus/alumna who best represents excellence in his/her career field, service to his/her alma mater and service to the community.

* The Georgia Southern University Alumni Association reserves the right to verify that the nominees meet the criteria and reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any nominee for any reason.

If you have any questions, please contact the Alumni Office at or at 912-478-2586.