Eagle Card Mobile ID

The Eagle Card has gone mobile! Now, you can use your Eagle Card across campus for things like door access, meal payment, or printing. The links below provide directions on loading the mobile credential to your phone.

You must submit a photo and a picture of your government-issued photo ID and to gain access to your Eagle Card Mobile ID.

Once approved, you can then download the Transact eAccounts app on your phone to access your mobile credential.

Eagle Card Moblie ID Creation Process

Statesboro Campus Locations
Eagle dining locations, Access in University Housing residence halls, University Store, Printing and Postal, Coca-Cola vending machines, Off-Campus EagleXpress locations, RAC, Library (including Three Tree)

Armstrong Campus Locations
Eagle dining locations, University Store, Printing and Postal, Coca-Cola vending machines, Off-Campus EagleXpress locations, ARC


Before starting these steps, make sure you have an approved photo on file. For full photo submission instructions, visit our web page here.

If you are a new student, you should have received an email to your My.GeorgiaSouthern.edu email with an online photo submission link. Scroll to the bottom of that email and click the “Submit a Photo” button.


Step 1

Download the Transact eAccounts app

Download the Transact eAccounts app from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to your mobile device.

Click to download Transact eAccounts app from Apple App Store

Apple Hardware Requirements:

  • iPhone: iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus or later; iOS 12.2 or later 
  • Apple Watch: Series 1 or later, and watchOS 5.2 or later 
Click to download Transact eAccounts app from Google Play Store

Android Hardware Requirements:

  • Android: version 6.0 or later 

Step 2

Getting Started and Selecting Your Institution

Open the Transact eAccounts mobile app. Click through the startup screens and tap Get Started. First-time users, select Georgia Southern University as your institution.

Step 3

Log in with your My.GeorgiaSouthern.edu Account

Enter your My.GeorgiaSouthern.edu credentials to authenticate your

Step 4

Submit your Photo and a picture of your Government-Issued Photo ID

Submit your photo and a picture of your government-issued photo ID to our office.

  • You can submit a picture through the Transact eAccounts app once you download it and log in. Click the ⚙️ (gear) icon in the top right corner, then click the “Submit ID Photo” link. You must submit a clear picture and a picture of your government-issued ID.
  • You can request a link to submit a photo if you are having issues with the Transact eAccounts app on your mobile device by emailing us at eaglecardoffice@georgiasouthern.edu or calling our office at 912-478-5311.

Visit this link for more information: https://online.fliphtml5.com/lbcs/nqvi/

Step 5

Activate Your Eagle Card Mobile ID

Apple Users: Once you have successfully authenticated in eAccounts, click the Add to
Apple Wallet button to add your Eagle Card to Apple Wallet. You can add
your student ID to one iPhone and one Apple Watch.

Android Users: Once you have successfully authenticated in eAccounts, click the Add to Google Wallet button or Samsung Wallet button depending on your Android device.

View our Mobile Credential FAQ below for more details on set-up.

Eagle Card Mobile ID on Apple Watch

App Download Links:

Apple App Store link to the Transact eAccounts app

Google Play link to the Transact eAccounts app

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or stop by the Eagle Card Center inside TechHub located at suite 16 of the Armstrong Center (Armstrong Campus) or inside the Dining Commons building (Statesboro Campus).

Last updated: 1/29/2025