Dr. Lisa L. Denmark
Professor of History (2006)
B.A., M.A., Georgia Southern University (1993, 1995); Ph.D., University of South Carolina (2004).
Teaching & Research Interests: US South, Georgia
Upper Division Courses:
- HIST 3230 American Military History
- HIST 3030 Special Topics: Gilded Age and Progressive Era
- HIST 4130 Georgia History
- HIST 5137/6137 Antebellum South
- HIST 5233/6233 The American City
Website: https://sites.google.com/a/
Contact Information:
Department of History
Georgia Southern University
P. O. Box 8054
Statesboro, GA 30460-8054
Office: #3097, Interdisciplinary Academic Building
Tel.: 912-478-0549
Email: ldenmark@georgiasouthern.edu
Selected Publications:
- At the Midnight Hour’: Boosterism, Growth, and Commerce in a Nineteenth-Century American City, (University of Georgia Press, 2019).
- “At the Midnight Hour’: Economic Dilemmas and Harsh Realities in Post-Civil War Savannah?” Georgia Historical Quarterly (August 2006).
- “‘But what a pretty thing a Rail Road is!–We must have one of our own–positively!”: Savannah’s Unique Rhetoric of Internal Improvements.” The Journal of the Georgia Association of Historians (2010)
- “Worshiping Bacchus: Prohibition in Savannah, Georgia, 1899-1922.” Law, Crime and History (UK) (2011)
Professional Activities, Awards, and Honors:
- Georgia Association of Historians– Executive Secretary-Treasurer (2021-2024)
- Southern Historical Association
Current Research:
- Mobility, War, and Reunion: Asbury S. Johnson’s Civil War
- Politicians, Physicians, and Planters: Protecting Antebellum Savannah’s Public Health
Last updated: 12/14/2023