Dr. Robert K. Batchelor, Department Chair
Professor of History and Director of Digital Humanities (2002).
B.A., Cornell, 1990; M.A., Ph.D., UCLA, 1992, 1999.
Teaching and Research Interests: Comparative World History, Environmental History, Early Modern Britain and Ireland, Early Modern East Asia and Pacific, Digital Humanities, History of Games, History of Cartography
Upper Division Courses:
- HIST 3434 Modern European Thought
- HIST 3580 Environmental History
- HUMN 3431 Introduction to Digital Humanities
- HUMN 3731 Digital Humanities Internship
- HUMN 4631 Experimental Historical Games
Website: https://ww2.georgiasouthern.edu/cah/dh/
Contact Information:
Department of History
Georgia Southern University
P. O. Box 8054
Statesboro, GA 30460-8054
Office: #2091, Interdisciplinary Academic Building
Tel.: 912- 478-5607
Email: batchelo@georgiasouthern.edu
Fax: (912) 478- 0377
Selected Publications:
- London: The Selden Map and the Making of a Global City, 1549-1687. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, January 2014. 伦
敦:塞尔登地图与全球化都市的形成 Beijing: China Worker Publishing House [中國工人出版社], 2024. - “From Imperial to Confessional Landscapes: Engelbert Kaempfer and the Disenchantment of Nature in Safavid and Tokugawa Cities,” in Stephen Whiteman, editor, Landscape and Authority in the Early Modern World. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023.
- “Introduction” and editor of special issue on Jesuit cartography, Journal of Jesuit Studies, 6.1 (January 2019)
- “The Historiography of Jesuit Cartography.” Jesuit Historiography Online. Leiden: Brill, 2019.
- “The Global and the Maritime: Divergent Paradigms for Understanding the Role of Translation in the Emergence of Early Modern Science.” In Patrick Manning, ed. Knowledge in Translation: Global Patterns of Scientific Exchange, 1000-1800 CE. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. 75-90.
- “John Bradby Blake, the Chinese Tallow Tree and the Infrastructure of Botanical Experimentation.” Curtis’s Botanical Magazine 34, no. 4 (December 2017), 402-426.
- “Maps, Calendars and Diagrams: Space and Time in Seventeenth-Century Maritime East Asia.” In Tonio Andrade and Xing Hang, eds. Sea Rovers, Silver, and Samurai: Maritime East Asia in World History, 1500-1750 Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2016. 86-113.
- “Fujian Trader” boardgame. Savannah: Thinking Past, 2016.
- “從《東西洋航海圖》觀察東亞群島/ Viewing the East Asian Archipelago through the Selden Map,” in 針路藍縷:明代海外貿易與牛津大學珍藏《東西洋航海圖》圖錄及論文集 / Mapping Ming China’s Maritime World – The Selden Map and Treasures from the University of Oxford. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Maritime Museum, 2015.
Professional Activities, Honors, and Awards:
- Imago Mundi Nebenzhal Award, 2015
- Imago Mundi Prize, Best Article 2013-2014.
- Georgia Humanities Council Project Grant, 2009, Waddie Welcome Digital Archive
Last updated: 7/2/2024