Dr. Cathy Skidmore-Hess
Associate Professor of History (1995).
A.B., Mount Holyoke College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1988, 1995.
Teaching and Research Interests: Africa, Environment & Religion
Upper Division Courses:
- Hist 3530 History of Africa to 1800
- Hist 3531 History of Africa since 1800
- Hist 4530 A Revelation and Revolution
Contact Information:
Department of History
Georgia Southern University
P. O. Box 8054
Statesboro, GA 30460-8054
Office: #2094, Interdisciplinary Academic Building
Tel.: 912-478-1558
Email: cskid@georgiasouthern.edu
Fax: 912-478-0377
Selected Publications:
- “Murder in Nata: Landscapes of colonial justice and authority in colonial Bechuanaland.” Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 22, no. 1 (2021) doi:10.1353/cch.2021.
0005. - “Identity, Guns, and Nineteenth-Century Globalization: An Examination of Botswana.” African Studies Quarterly 20 (1)
- “Have we not an Equal Interest with the Men of this Nation,” with Daniel Skidmore-Hess, International Social Science Review. Fall 2016.
- “Evaluating SADC and NAFTA as Regional Models,” with Daniel Skidmore-Hess, International Social Science Review. Fall 2013.
- “Njinga of Matamba and the Politics of Catholicism” in Women and Religion in the Atlantic World. Emily Clark and Mary Laven eds. Ashgate Press, 2013.
- “Botswana: Boipelego and Dependent Development” in Journal of Third World Studies, Fall 2002. Vol. 19, Iss.2: 189-205.
- “Wild People and Wild Places: Economics, Environment, and Labor in Northern Botswana” in Journal of the Georgia Association of Historians. 2000. Vol. 21: 1-25. (Appeared in print Fall 2001)
Professional Activities, Awards, and Honors:
- Program Coordinator Georgia Southern University Southern African Study Abroad, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Editorial Board: Race, Class and Cooperate Power
- Assistant Advisor for Model African Union
- Assistant Advisor for Southeast Model African Union
- Advisory Board Africana Studies
- Assistant Grant Director (standing in for the late Charles Crouch- John Steinberg Grant Director). Title VI Grant: Globalizing the Curriculum. Department of Education, 2010.
Current Research:
- Sacred Mothers and Invisible Soldiers: Njinga of Matamba, gender, and authority
- Towns and Tsetse Flies: the Role of Technology and Disease Eradication in the Creation of Northwestern Botswana.
- Abner Kneeland: Freethought, Workingmen, and Utopian America
Last updated: 12/14/2023